
Ten hilarious signs to brighten up your road trip

THE long stretches of scenery are getting a bit boring, then BAM, a sign that says Fart kontrol brightens up your road trip. Giggle at this one and others ...

Go home, sign. You're drunk.
Go home, sign. You're drunk.

THERE are still a few more hours to drive and everyone in the car has exhausted their eye-spy tolerance for the day.

It's a good thing the sign writers of the world are here to keep us amused.

Check out some of these hilarious signs from around the globe, as collated by the Huffington Post.

Sound it out. This one's an Aussie sign. Obviously.
Sound it out. This one's an Aussie sign. Obviously.
Go home, sign. You're drunk.
Go home, sign. You're drunk.
They mean 'prone' right? Or is accident porn a new fetish we don't know about?
They mean 'prone' right? Or is accident porn a new fetish we don't know about?
Red Bull's commitment to giving you wings even applies to two-dimensional road-sign characters.
Red Bull's commitment to giving you wings even applies to two-dimensional road-sign characters.
A once-in-a-lifetime experience? This feels a bit like a promotions.
A once-in-a-lifetime experience? This feels a bit like a promotions.
No prizes for finding the path, folks.
No prizes for finding the path, folks.
You can't argue with such an old-timey command.
You can't argue with such an old-timey command.
This one has to be a gee-up, right?
This one has to be a gee-up, right?


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