What happened when I went on a silent retreat in Bali
OBVIOUSLY there is no talking so what happens when you try not to speak for three days? If you hate chatting to strangers you are going to love this.
For someone that considers a gym a foreign land, can’t sit still or silence themselves for
even five minutes, choosing to participate in a silent retreat getaway was always going to
be quite a challenge — pun intended.
While others head to Bali for the beachside cocktails and dance the night away along the popular night-life strips, I was seeking relaxation and a new type of release.
In today’s world of constant distractions and buzzing notifications, doing something like this
was the wake up call that I needed. My technology filled lifestyle needed to be put on snooze. Set among rice fields with hot springs nearby and towering Mt. Batu Karu in the distance, the two storey eco-sanctuary Bali Silent Retreat was the perfect place to practice Asana yoga and meditation — all without any talking.
After an introduction to the retreat to learn all the ins and outs, do’s and don’ts it was time for me to be sent off to my adult boarding school of wellbeing.
The rules are not to speak or use technology. If you do need to use a phone or talk, you were told to do that at the reception area which a few hundred metres away from the retreat itself.
If you had to speak with staff (I fell sick on the second day), you were allowed to speak to someone at reception. Other than that, talking was discouraged in the retreat and most guests respected that.
I did see people at reception on their phones from time to time but not many. Ultimately, the retreat is a place to escape all the noise.
I was there for only three days, wish it was longer but honestly, I didn’t miss the outside world. It was as if time stood still and I could actually hear myself think and be aware of my conscious.
I didn’t have an urge to call home as I really just needed a break from everything, everyone and technology.
It’s unusual to share space with people you are discouraged from interacting with despite you being like-minded individuals undergoing the same lifestyle intervention.
It was interesting to become more aware of people’s body language and how far a smile could go.
There were a few times that my usual constant polite replies of ‘thank you’ came out in a gentle whisper and then I had to cut myself off.
I am a big social person but at this retreat, I relished not having to get to know anyone at all and make that small talk that would be forgotten once the day was over.
After all, the silent retreat wasn’t about making new relationships but enhancing the one with yourself.
It was a time to be selfish and discover more about you rather than seeking out holiday friends.
The day kicks off with a sunrise yoga session under an open air tent (Bale) followed by meditation and snacking on healthy food.
Then repeat. Participating in classes and activities is not set in stone, although to get
the most Zen in your life, it is encouraged.
Forget pumping iron with a side of steak as the retreat was all about clean eating. Say hello to aubergine bacon!
Before digging into each mean we were encouraged to pause before giving our forks a work out. The pause was used to make you consider the time, energy and effort that was put into making the meal that had been served up and where the fruits of Mother Nature had come from, a concept far removed from our world of instant gratification of supermarket shelves.
Being a yoga novice, I felt silly and a bit self conscious at times and yes my body was aching
in pain from discovering muscles I didn’t know I had.
Clearing my head was more challenging than any yoga position.
For someone whose mind runs like a speeding merry-go- round, I found it really hard to silence my inner monologue to meditate. But sitting upright and drawing in long breaths and slowly breathing out calmed me (something that I deem rare in my life) and most importantly, cleared my mind.
You are also able to lie down during meditation, something I took full advantage of until I was woken by the sound of my own snoring mid-class.
I did break the code of silence to ask my meditation instructor (one rare moment I spoke in those few days) what to do if you are limited on time for meditation in our everyday lives. (Yes, I really did ask that.)
Their advice was to take five minutes out of your day and envision yourself walking to a room where there would be a few objects of importance to you.
[My room will consist of a hammock, a photo of my family, pen and paper and a window overlooking the ocean.]
I found this small exercise helped me to shift focus in times of having the ultimate scatterbrain and give attention to the things that matter.
My three-day introduction into the world of silence, yoga and mediation got me in touch with
my body more than ever before.
I can preach this all day but the biggest lesson I took from this to follow the concept of mindfulness. We are so quick to capture every moment on our phones, I question if we are actually present in anything that we do, from watching a concert, climbing a mountain or eating.
With technology cast aside and the conversations and white noise of daily life muted, the
only noise to pay attention to was the sound of nature. It not only made me really observant
of my surroundings but also how my mind ticks.
Life can sometimes get too busy to have a daydream. I found the retreat to be the ultimate thing that recharged me and made me refresh my mind while off the grid.
Attending a silent yoga retreat taught me the art of patience and how far the strength of the
body and mind can go. I must admit, I have not treated both the best in the past as
ironically, it takes a lot out of me to express my thoughts on paper and to make exercise a
top priority. The most challenging was just letting myself just be.
I felt with the practice of meditation and yoga, I had overcome these previous sentiments and could adopt the mantra ‘recharge, relax, refresh.’
Ultimately, incorporating these into my life made me feel more productive and added that missing Zen to my life — and learning it all in a place like Bali is even better!
Follow Julia’s travel adventures on her website The Roaming Flamingo and Instagram .