I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! host Dr Chris Brown shares incredible Africa pictures with fans
HE came to fame as the Bondi Vet, and Dr Chris Brown is using his stint on the South African set of I’m a Celebrity to meet the local wildlife.
I’M A Celebrity ... Get Me Out Of Here! host Dr Chris Brown shares the beauty and majesty of wild Africa as he takes a break from filming the reality show on Channel Ten.
Dr Chris doesn’t seem like he needs getting out of anywhere as he gets up close and personal with some of the South African locals.
From elephants marching the wide plains to leopards stalking jungle paths the TV vet has certainly fallen in love with the picturesque setting.
Dr Chris and his co-host Julia Morris don’t have to worry too much about traffic jams as they wander to work on the back on an elephant: “While we could walk, this is how @Ladyjmo and I insist on getting to work each day,” he posted.
A different perspective: “Sunset soccer on a dusty field in rural South Africa ... from above.”
“Road block. Experienced a few delays on the way to set this morning”
“Heatwave in the jungle ... chill time with the crew”
“Daybreak in Africa.”
A different type of workplace safety inspection: “BREAKING: Highly dangerous gigantic snake currently being removed from the #ImACelebrityAU set just before show time”
Lucky there’s someone who knows how to handle animals on hand.
“What happens when a leopard runs through the @ImACelebrityAU camp? This guy appears. And he's not packing cat treats.”
“A leopard crossed in front of me this morning. She didn't look, turn or break her strut. Gotta love the confidence.”
“African sunset colours across the savanna”
“The sun took a little longer to rise over this mountain this morning.”
“Welcome to Africa. Lesson #1. Always stop at the zebra crossing.”
“All in the eyes. Always amazed how the eyes of a lion are almost their most powerful part.”
Getting to know the locals.
Helping to protect and conserve Africa’s amazing animals: “Out tracking wildlife poachers with @rhinorevolution and finally located a snare.”
“Can't be 100% sure but apparently this guy couldn't sleep because he can't wait to find out who's going into the jungle.”
“African sunset over the Drakensburg Mountains.”
“A hyena cub sneaking out of her den late at night.”
Brown never ceases to be amazed by the incredible scenery he comes in contact with: “For most people, a lion or a giraffe is their favourite African animal. For me though, this beetle is right up there. The sight of a large ball of poo rolling down the road thanks to this dung beetle pushing it with its back legs never stops amusing me. Every metre or so, she'll stop, climb up and readjust her course. Eventually once she's got to her destination, she'll lay her eggs inside that well travelled ball. Amazing”