
'Sex and the City' tour for $US24,000

FOR $24,000, Sex and the City fans can live the life of Carrie Bradshaw on a four-day tour of New York where splurging on Manolo Blahniks is par for the course.

FOR $24,000 ($26,450) a New York travel company is offering Sex and the City fans the chance to live the life of characters in the television series, splurging on luxury shoes and handbags, being pampered at luxury spas and sipping cocktails at nightspots featured in the show.

The upcoming launch of the Sex and the City movie has rekindled interest in the discontinued show, said Joanne Konstantinakos, founder of travel company Destination On Location, which is offering the tours.

"Sex and the City is a perfect opportunity because it's a global phenomenon, you don't have to be a New Yorker to follow it," she said.

The first client to book the tour was a woman from Singapore, where the show is banned.

Guests on the four-day tour will be chauffeured to upscale department store Saks Inc and Barneys New York and boutique clothes stores including the New York store of Patricia Field, the designer and stylist whose clothes feature on the TV series.

Dining at famed restaurants including Balthazar and Pastis are also on the agenda, as is clubbing at Bungalow 8 and other exclusive nightclubs.

Guests will also be able to choose their Saturday afternoon based on their favourite character.

Fans of the straight-laced Charlotte will take a trip to jeweller Tiffany & Co and a tour of art galleries, while those who favor promiscuous Samantha will shop on Madison Avenue and visit a high-end sex shop.

The first tour, scheduled to start on May 29, will feature a viewing of the movie on its May 30 opening night. Subsequent tours, of between eight and 12 people, will run until November 16 and cost $US15,000 ($16,530) per guest.

The travel company plans future trips based on films including the Lord of The Rings including a trip to New Zealand, where it was filmed.

Sex and the City opens in Australian cinemas on June 6.

Watch the film trailer below.

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