
The secret trick to scoring free flights

TRAVELLERS who are willing to go the extra mile are snapping up free flights by using this trick at the airport. You'll never guess what it is ...

Are you willing to go the extra mile? Picture: Thinkstock
Are you willing to go the extra mile? Picture: Thinkstock

WILLING to try anything to snap up free flights? Well, if you like to live on the edge and are willing to go the extra mile, this trick could be perfect for you.

All you need to do is get bumped from your flight, according to frequent flyer John E. Discala, from the travel website

Airlines will often reward those who volunteer to be moved to another flight with a voucher - or cash. Try it multiple times, and it really adds up.

But before you rush out the door, there are right - and wrong - ways to go about it. Here are seven steps to increase your chances of being successful.

1. Check the flight loads

First, you should try to book a ticket (but don't buy!) on the flight you want. Look at the flight's seating chart, which is provided by most airlines, to see if it's oversold or call the airline directly and ask. Airlines often oversell flights to compensate for passengers who fail to turn up.

2. Ask to be bumped

Airline staff are often thrilled to have volunteers to be bumped off oversold flights. Just go to the check-in desk and let them know you're fine with being moved to another flight. Then follow up with a gate agent about an hour before departure, ask if the flight is oversold and volunteer to be bumped. Note that most agents won't know if they need volunteers until halfway through boarding so they'll usually put you on a list. Make sure to be nice.

3. Don't check luggage

Increase your odds of getting bumped by not checking in any bags. That's simply because it takes the staff a long time to track down bags that are in the cargo hold.

4. Wait near the gate

Stand close by your gate so that if staff call for volunteers, you'll be one of the first in line.

5. Find out the details of the airline's offer before accepting

Ask how much they are offering (it usually ranges from $100 to over $1000). If the next flight they put you on is an overnight one, the airline may provide you with a hotel, transportation and meal vouchers.

If the agent is struggling to find volunteers, the perks usually rise. Ask for an upgrade, or lounge access, and you may be rewarded.

6. Ask for a cash voucher

If you're offered a return flight, don't accept it. They come with a lot of restrictions and you won't get frequent flyer credit. Instead, request a cash voucher, if the airline offers them. Discala said his sister and her family were given $1300 when they were bumped from their flight between Miami and Barbados because they were the last to check-in.

7. Try again

If you're flying during a busy travel period, you could get bumped multiple times the same day. The extra cash and perks will really start to add up.

Finally, there is a downside to the process. Sometimes, if you volunteer but they don't need you, your seat may have been given away and you may end up in the dreaded middle spot.

Do Australian airlines bump passengers?

Australian airlines such as Virgin Australia and Qantas offer "incentives" or compensation for those bumped from an overbooked flight including a seat on another flight.

According to Qantas: "Airline flights may be overbooked. This means there is a slight chance that there may be more reservations than available seats on your flight. In these circumstances, where practical, we will offer an incentive for volunteers not to travel on their booked flight."

Student Nathaniel Martin received an outpouring of support when he took on Tiger Airways last year when he was bumped from a flight involuntarily.

The airline provided an insight into the practise with their response: "Overbooking of flights is common practice in the air travel industry here in Australia and the world over - it's a practice put in place by airlines (and other travel and tourism industries) to compensate for an average no show rate," a Tiger Airways spokesperson said.

"This is an isolated situation however Tiger does have policies and provisions in place to re-accommodate anyone who is affected by overbooking on the very rare occasion that it occurs, including free of charge transfer to next available flight."

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