
Tour company releases book with 101 tips for female travellers

APPARENTLY there are 25 ways you can use a scarf when you travel. A tour company is offering a free booklet to women with 101 pieces of advice they should know.

A TOUR company is offering a free copy of a new booklet called “101 Tips for Women Travelers.”

Overseas Adventure Travel vice chair Harriet Lewis says the booklet draws on advice offered by hundreds of guides, employees and women who’ve travelled with the company. There are sections on packing, health and hygiene, safety, going solo, communications, digital photography and more, including foreign phrases and an international time zone chart.

Did you know dental floss can also work to hang laundry?
Did you know dental floss can also work to hang laundry?

A few of the tips:

• Use dental floss to hang laundry or string broken jewellery

• Wrap duct tape around a pencil so you’ll have the tape handy for emergency repairs of anything from a suitcase to a shoe.

• Bring cash, a debit card and a credit card, but stash them in different places, some in a money belt, some in a wallet.

• When water is suspect, keep yourself from ingesting while showering by putting mouthwash in your mouth.

• Carry a whistle to blow in case you need help.

• Bring a large scarf. The booklet lists 25 uses for scarfs under the heading, “Bandanarama,” including cold compress, sleep blindfold, pillow cover and accessory.

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