Woman shares things flight attendants can’t do while on-duty
A flight attendant’s clip on what they can and cannot do while on duty has gone viral with one particular rule leaving many of her followers shocked.
If you have noticed that flight attendants look well-presented all the time – there’s a reason.
Cabin crew go through training on grooming where they are taught the ins and outs of presentation, how to talk and even behave.
But there’s one rule that a flight attendant has revealed in a TikTok that has copped major flak – tattoos.
In her video, Wendy Sarmiento explained that tattoos must not be visible.
“A lot of people think the requirement is to not have any tattoos at all but that’s not true,” the travel Vlogger and flight attendant said.
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She said a lot of companies allow tattoos so long “as you cover them while you’re at work”.
The rule fired up her TikTok followers who suggested the rule was outdated.
“It’s 2022, time to changes these ’80s rules,” one person wrote, to which Wendy responded: “Agreed”.
“The tattoo one is just (hand on face emoji) in my opinion,” another person wrote.
It sparked a heated argument with others defending the rule.
“In some countries and cultures they are still seen (as) offensive … so some airlines want to prohibit them,” one person said.
“Well it’s because it’s not professional and some people have inappropriate tattoos (not trying to be offensive or anything just trying to explain),” another person added.
Wendy covers her wrist tattoo with a smart watch (which is allowed) and said she wants to get more tattoos, but can’t because of her job.
Most airlines don’t allow flight attendants to have visible tattoos such as on their face, neck, hands or arms.
However, Air New Zealand’s tattoo policy allows employees to have TÄ Moko (traditional MÄori tattooing), according to Readers Digest.
In May, Virgin Atlantic also became one of the few global air carriers to allow its cabin crew to display their tattoos in a move the company says will allow workers to “express their unique identities”.
Most airlines require their crew members to keep a neat and tidy appearance. This means hair must be pulled back (ponytail or bun) for hair longer than the shoulders.
In her clip which has attracted almost 1 million views, Wendy emphasised hair has to always be tied up or above your shoulders.
“If you have long hair, the requirement for that is to have it always tied up on duty unless it is above your shoulders,” she explained.
As for nails, Wendy said a lot of companies are not going to let you have long nails unless it is rounded or square in shape.
“And no glitter on the nails,” she added.
Facial piercing is another big no, no.
“Even though you might have one in the nose or little extra holes in your ears, you cannot have them while you are on duty,” she said.
She explained that it depends on the company and their policies, but her airline, which she didn’t disclose, doesn’t allow for multiple earrings.