

Call to ban reclining seats on planes

Call to ban reclining seats on planes

IT’S one of the most common causes of mid-flight fury, and now an overwhelming majority of passengers are willing to sacrifice their own comfort to finally put an end to the reclining plane seat.

Nine surprising facts about flying

Nine surprising facts about flying

FROM why you shouldn’t sit more than five rows away from an exit, to just how much pilots actually get paid, here are nine things you need to know about air travel.


Are these the ugliest planes of all time?

WHAT were they thinking when they built these aircraft? With more modern planes becoming indistinguishable from each other, here are some that stand out from the crowd – for all the wrong reasons …


Noisy kids? You should pay extra on planes

AN AIRLINE recently introduced a ‘quiet zone’ for passengers willing to pay extra. But why should my quality of life be diminished by having other people’s families forced upon me, or having to pay to escape?

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