‘Exhausted’ pilots pen letter to employer about safety concerns
PILOTS at a major airline have penned a letter to their bosses claiming safety is under threat — and they’re especially worried about flights to Australia.
PILOTS at Cathay Pacific have sent a warning to the airline’s management that flight safety is under threat because of fatigue and exhaustion.
The letter, published in full by the South China Morning Post, reveals a number of captains at the Hong Kong-based carrier are deeply concerned about several issues, including rostering practices, pilot experience levels and fatigue.
The letter, dated August 19, 2015 and addressed to Cathay Pacific’s director of flight operations, asks: “Is safety still our priority?”
In a response letter from Cathay Pacific they insist safety remains their number one priority. Established in 1946, Hong Kong’s flagship carrier has never had an aviation accident resulting in a plane being written off beyond repair.
The letter from the pilots begins: “We the undersigned are writing to you to express our utmost concern and alarm at the recent termination of our Rostering Practices Agreement, specifically the potential change in crewing levels and how this may effect fatigue levels, and by extension, flight safety”.
The pilots state that a fatigued crew, combined with declining experience levels, takes them a “step closer to disaster”. They continue to explain how they’re particularly concerned about the crewing levels on Australian and European flights.
“We are concerned specifically about the reduction of manning of some European and Australian flights, particularly when your flight crew body is already overworked and fatigued,” they say.
The Sunday Morning Post received a letter from a Cathay Pacific spokeswoman, who responded to the concerns raised by the pilots.
“We received a letter from a number of our Check and Training Captains in which they expressed some concerns,” it said.
“As part of our standard process we are looking at these concerns and engaging directly with the pilots.”
She said matters relating to safety received the airline’s utmost attention.
“The safety of passengers and crew is the number one priority of Cathay Pacific.
“We do have measures in place to manage any issues identified, such as fatigue.
“These include a Fatigue Risk Management System which works to minimise risk by using preventive measures.
“Further, pilot’s rosters are designed and monitored to ensure fatigue is minimised.”
Cathay Pacific has been contacted by news.com.au for further comment.