
Australian accent rated fifth ‘sexiest’ in the world in new list

Forget the French or the Aussie twang, the world’s sexiest accent has gone to a very unlikely contender.

What do you call it? Aussie's regional slang differences

The New Zealand accent has been rated the sexiest in the world, with the Aussie twang coming in at number five.

With almost 7000 languages in the world and even more varieties of accents and tones, the Kiwi accent came out on top in an extensive poll conducted by Big 7 Travel.

According to the travel website, the Kiwi accent is “outrageously charming” and beats out Australian, Italian, Irish and South African accent for the top spot.

“To a novice ear, the New Zealand accent might sound just like the Australian accent, but Big 7 Travel readers disagree. The “Newzild” dialect is outrageously charming. The sexiest accent in the world? It’s official,” the website said about the Kiwi accent.

The world's sexiest accent has been revealed … and the winner is New Zealand.
The world's sexiest accent has been revealed … and the winner is New Zealand.

The Kiwis fended off stiff competition from the Italians, the Irish and South Africans, who were fourth, third, and second in the poll respectively.

According to the website, Afrikaans is a “hugely popular accent with many people across the globe thanks to their unique tones and slang”, while the Irish “lilting jibe” has people around the world falling in love with the accent.

Is this accent study baaaaa-king mad?
Is this accent study baaaaa-king mad?

The Australian accent was ranked fifth sexiest, while our Scottish brothers came in sixth.

Different variations of the UK accent made the top 50, with Queen’s English ranked 12th while the Scouse (Liverpool) tone was rated 32nd and Geordie (Newcastle) 41st.

The Welsh may count themselves unlucky with their “soft and lyrical” tone coming in 45th.


20th Zimbabwean

19th Argentine

18th Mancunian

17th Jamaican

16th Danish

15th Ukrainian

14th Hungarian

13th Canadian

12th Queen’s English

11th Czech

If you thought the French had the world's sexiest accent, think again. They didn’t even crack the top five.
If you thought the French had the world's sexiest accent, think again. They didn’t even crack the top five.

10th Brazilian Portuguese

9th US Southern

8th Spanish

7th French

6th Scottish

5th Australian

4th Italian

3rd Irish

2nd South African

1st Kiwi

This article originally appeared on the New Zealand Herald and was republished with permission

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