
Cafe owner’s brutal response to dad who left one-star review after he refused to let children use toilet

A cafe owner who refused to let children use their toilet has unleashed on a customer who left a one-star review on social media.

When reviews go badly

A furious cafe owner has hit out at a dad for leaving a one-star review on TripAdvisor — for refusing to let his kid use the toilets.

The scathing review whined that The Watering Can in Liverpool “refused point-blank” to let them use the toilets without paying.

It ranted: “I brought my daughter to the park with some of her school friends when they broke up for summer a few children was desperate for the toilet facilities to use and the cafe refused point blank that the children or adults can’t use the toilets unless they are paying customers ….

Staff at the Watering Can refused to give the dad access without paying.
Staff at the Watering Can refused to give the dad access without paying.

“So I had to take several kids to the spire hospital to use their toilets and they were very helpful and understanding …

“What this pack (sic) needs at greenbank is toilet facilities not a cafe that doesn’t let anyone in for the toilet.”

But co-owner Keith Perryman hit back with a brutal Facebook response.

He left a scathing one-star review in response
He left a scathing one-star review in response


He said: “Response to Mr Philip Brooks:

“We had damage in the toilet for 5th time today, with kids filling water guns and balloons. A toilet cistern was broken again, on top of an already expensive week following a break in.

“If you are local as you say you are, surely you could have gone home to a toilet and this wouldn’t have been the massive inconvenience to you.

“We are not here to provide free toilet services to the park. We pay the rent, the water rates, electricity, buy the toilet roll.

But the co-owner hit back with this blistering Facebook post
But the co-owner hit back with this blistering Facebook post

“We built this building ourselves and decorated it to a high standard, only for some people to damage and abuse it.

“We are perfectly within our rights to refuse entrance to anyone for whatever reason and today has been totally justified.

“Please in future consider your social media impact on a fledgling business.

“A one star review is unjustified having NOT visited our restaurant today.

“If anyone knows Philip Brooks, tell him what Keith had to say.”

This article originally appeared on The Sun and was reproduced with permission

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