
Inside Australia’s most haunted city

FROM the hotel haunted by a former prime minister to weird reportings around the Parliamentary Triangle, something strange is happening in the nation’s capital.

Killarney Vale's Amazing Halloween House

CANBERRA is often unfairly labelled a “ghost town” for its lacklustre night-life and culture.

But this moniker rings true for its supernatural attractions which are an after-dark sensation with intrigued travellers.

Many of the capital’s famous landmarks, including accommodation and cultural institutions, have a spinechilling past which is unearthed on a unique ghost tour by khaki-clad guide Tim the Yowie Man.

Local legend Tim became the Yowie Man after spotting an unidentified black hairy creature — resembling a mythical man beast called a yowie — in Canberra’s Brindabella Mountains in 1994.

Since then, he’s been a passionate cryptonaturalist, involving the study of strange and hidden phenomena.

So does Canberra have no soul, especially around the Parliamentary Triangle?

Canberra’s Hyatt Hotel is said to be haunted.
Canberra’s Hyatt Hotel is said to be haunted.

“No way,” Tim says. “There’s hardly a national institution or hotel in this area that’s not harbouring a pesky poltergeist or two.

“There are plenty of souls around town — you just need to know where to look!”

Canberra reportedly has a higher incidence of paranormal activity per capita than any other Australian city.

So at sunset, I bravely joined the Yowie Man — wearing his trademark Akubra and carrying a trusty lantern — to scour the ACT’s spookiest sites.


We started at the time-honoured Hotel Kurrajong where the ghost of former Prime Minister Ben Chifley is said to haunt the first floor. Chifley died in room 214 (now 181) after suffering a heart attack on the night of June 13, 1951.

The Chifley Room at the Hotel Kurrajong
The Chifley Room at the Hotel Kurrajong
Never checked out: former Australian Prime Minister Ben Chifley
Never checked out: former Australian Prime Minister Ben Chifley

“Back then, it was just a basic hostel — he lived and ran the country from this room until he died,” Tim whispers as we nervously hover outside the door.

“Chifley’s your classic ghost — people see the outline of a grey-suited man standing in the window authoritatively pointing to Old Parliament House in the distance.”

Of course, he’s a “friendly chap” but he’s only ever seen by those who aren’t expecting him.

“I sleep in his room every year, around the same time as his death, but I’ve never actually seen Ben — I’m a bit obsessed!” Tim says.

To honour this paranormal past, the art deco Kurrajong — which celebrated its 90th birthday last year — has a plaque outside Chifley’s room explaining his affinity with the hotel.


The next spectre site is the historic Hyatt Hotel in Yarralumla.

Built around the same time as the Kurrajong, the hotel harbours a pint-sized spook: a little girl in a red dress who knocks on doors in the dead of night.

The Hyatt Hotel where the ghost of a young girl spooks guests. Picture: Brad Watts
The Hyatt Hotel where the ghost of a young girl spooks guests. Picture: Brad Watts

She allegedly burned to death in the boiler room in the 1930s.

“The folklore is she was the daughter of one of the caretakers — she only haunts the older part of the hotel,” Tim says. “She’s also friendly. It’s almost comforting when people see her — like she’s lost.”

However in the past, the girl has caused havoc for Qantas pilots staying at the hotel.

“There’s stories of pilots complaining they weren’t getting enough sleep and wanted to be transferred to the newer part of the hotel after seeing her ghost,” Tim says.


Old Parliament House (OPH) is also renowned as one of the capital’s most creepy buildings.

“One of the most frightening stories is of a phantom pair of legs seen wandering the courtyards at night, which freaked-out security guards have named Malcolm,” says Tim, who visits haunted halls of OPH on his three-hour tours starting from $70 per person.

Old Parliament House, at its 1927 opening. Picture: Museum of Australian Democracy
Old Parliament House, at its 1927 opening. Picture: Museum of Australian Democracy

Many security guards over the years have requested transfers because they have had walkie talkies “ripped off their belts and thrown across the room” working the graveyard shift.

Other terrifying reports include windows mysteriously going up and down at night and loud noises of metal keys grated against stair railings.


• Hotel Acton (now Peppers Gallery Hotel) — a friendly ghost apparently turns on the shower in rooms on a cold winter’s night.

• National Library of Australia — a ghost of a “sweaty man” who was a pilot manifests itself in the Library’s basement.

Tim the Yowie Man with a portrait of ex-PM Ben Chifley at the Hotel Kurrajong. Picture: Brad Watts
Tim the Yowie Man with a portrait of ex-PM Ben Chifley at the Hotel Kurrajong. Picture: Brad Watts

• Government House — several confirmed sightings of an Aboriginal ghost that haunts the grounds of the grand residence.

While we didn’t come face-to-face with any gregarious ghouls during the entertaining tour, it was a fascinating insight into the capital’s colourful and mysterious past — laying to rest (in

peace) the notion that Canberra is lifeless.

Tim also shares this reassuring advice for visitors: “Don’t worry, if you come to Canberra and see a ghost, you’re not going to be scared away.”

For true believers wanting to know more about supernatural attractions around Australia, Tim has just released a new book called Haunted & Mysterious Australia. Visit

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