
Queensland's hidden bush treasure

SNUGGLED in beneath Queensland's huge forest gums, Lyola Pavilions has an air of luxurious elegance that's hard to resist.

THE tall gums seem to kiss each other across the narrow winding road, and nothing is visible through their dappled shade but a mysterious green tunnel leading into an unknown world.

Policeman Spur Rd, on the outskirts of Maleny and east of Caloundra, is so far off the beaten track that once you've turned off it into the dirt driveway of Lyola Pavilions you still have a kilometre or so of not being able to see where you're going.

No wonder they call the two pavilions Hide and Seek.

But eventually the track opens out into David and Jane's spacious garden, and their lovely house overlooking the Conondale Ranges, and from here, after a cup of tea – and a slice of Jane's home-made banana and date loaf if you're lucky – she'll lead you down to start your own game of hide and seek.

Hide, where we've stayed twice now, is reached down a wooden walkway and several steps, so it's not for the faint of heart or slippery of foot, but once there you won't want to leave.

Snuggled in beneath huge forest gums, the appropriately-named Hide is almost impossible to see from the path above, while Seek, the only other pavilion, is much higher up and perhaps has a better outlook. It also has a wheelchair-friendly ramp and specially equipped bathroom, so is easier for some people to access.

Comfortable day bed and elegant easy chairs

Both cottages are self-sufficient, so there's no reason to leave unless you want to, assuming you've brought enough tucker for lunch and dinner, as this is bed-and-breakfast only. But there's a generous platter of local cheese, crackers and fresh fruit waiting in the fridge for you, and ingredients for breakfast, and if you tell Jane when you want to eat in the morning she'll deliver a loaf of just-made bread to the breadbox outside your door, firmly snibbed to keep the possums away.

There's a small microwave and a couple of cook-top burners if you want to make your own evening meal, but there's also a great selection of restaurants within 20 minutes' drive.

I especially like Hide with its comfortable day bed and elegant easy chairs from where you can gaze out over unbroken forest. The interior is best described as subdued elegance, decorated in rich earth tones with minimal but graceful furniture.

In the winter the wood stove crackles behind you, while on extra-hot nights even the airconditioning can barely be heard. But most of the time, if you open the windows, the soft scented air of the forest creeps gently in, and if you want to get even closer to nature, you can go through the bathroom with its deep sunken bath to the edge of the forest, where you can lounge in the steamer chairs with a drink and a good book, or watch/join in with your partner under the outdoor shower.

Coming back is more of a challenge

If you've remembered to bring some sturdy shoes you can clamber down the rocky track, which has steps and handrails to make the trek a little easier, and swim in the deep rock pool at the bottom, or just laze in the steamer chairs set on a wooden platform overlooking the creek. But don't forget the Aerogard: there are ticks and mozzies galore in the damp surrounds.

Coming back is more of a challenge, and you should allow at least twice the time it took you to get down. By the time you've reached your own personal Hide you'll be well ready for that hot outdoor shower, with perhaps a bubbly soak in the sunken tub to uncrease your stretched muscles.

Hide and Seek are true luxury places to stay, and their description as pavilions is well-chosen, as they have the air of luxurious elegance that the word suggests. As well as all the extras you'd expect in a B&B of this standard, there's a small selection of books and intelligent DVDs and videos.

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