
Toyota in political blame game as first sitting of federal Parliament 2014 gets underway

BILL Shorten has tried unsuccessfully to censure the Prime Minister in Question Time for “failing to stand up and fight for Australian jobs”.

Toyota in political blame game in parliament

TOYOTA’S decision to cease manufacturing in Australia is dominating the first sitting day of federal Parliament for 2014.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten interrupted Parliament, trying to censure Prime Minister Tony Abbott for “failing to stand up and fight for Australian jobs”.

Bill Shorten widened his attack against the government over Toyota, arguing it also hasn’t done enough to help Electrolux, Simplot, Qantas, Ford, the Gove alumina refinery, SPC Ardomna and “countless other small businesses”.

Leader of the House Christopher Pyne hit back, claiming the government should be allowed to get on with its job.

“The Opposition should not be wasting the time of this Parliament,” he said.

The move to suspend standing orders was voted down.

Earlier Federal MP Clive Palmer has urged reporters to keep an eye on this afternoon’s Question Time, saying he would be asking the Prime Minister a “nice question”.

Mr Shorten directed the first question to the Prime Minister, asking whether, in light of Toyota’s decision, Australia will no longer be a “sophisticated economy”.

Mr Abbott told Parliament he shared the dismay of all members at the job losses to come.

“Every single one of us is devastated by this announcement.”

Mr Abbott said he asked Toyota’s management if there was anything that could be done, but they told him the decision was final.

“The Labor Party is desperate to play the blame game in this Parliament,” he argued.

“I think the Australian people deserve better than that.”

There were rumblings on the Opposition benches when the Prime Minister attacked Labor for not backing the repeal of the carbon and mining taxes, as well as the reinstatement of the Australian Building and Construction Commission.

“I think that the honest workers of this country know who their real friends are,” Mr Abbott said.

But Mr Shorten would not let up.

“Why hasn’t the Prime Minister outlined the support that his government will provide to 2500 direct employees of Toyota and the hundreds of thousands of workers in the automotive manufacturing?” he asked.

Mr Abbott said the government was committed to helping employees go from “good jobs to better jobs”.

News_Rich_Media: Toyota's decision to follow Holden and Ford out of car-making will change the face of Aust. industry forever.

Government frontbencher Christopher Pyne also urged the Opposition Leader to back the reinstatement of the ABCC, as well as the royal commission into union corruption.

Mr Pyne said the problem for Mr Shorten was his background, as a former union official.

“He is running a protection racket for a protection racket,” he said.

According to Mr Pyne bikies “must be shaking in their boots” after Mr Shorten called on union leaders to ban colours on building sites.

“He’s not prepared to take a tough stand on thuggery and corruption and the behaviour of union leaders, but he’s absolutely determined to make the bikies when they turn up to the workplaces take off their colours.”

As promised Clive Palmer asked the Prime Minister about what he described as the “bias” actions of the Australian Electoral Commission.

“Shouldn’t the AEC be impartial?” the member for Fairfax asked.

“Why have an election if the AEC can decide weeks before an election is held who preferences will be distributed to.

“Is this really a democracy?”

Mr Abbott said he understood some of Mr Palmer’s anxieties, claiming the government had been left “dumbfounded” after more than a thousand votes went missing in the WA Senate count.

But he did want to comment further until a case before the High Court wrapped up.

In Canberra the political blame game had already begun with both sides pointing the finger before Question time begun.

Mr Abbott insisted Toyota’s decision was final and couldn’t be avoided.

“Toyota didn’t come seeking additional assistance,” the Prime Minister told ABC Radio.

“It’s not as if the government could have leapt in at the eleventh hour and said here’s another $100 million or $200 million, please, please, please stay,” he said.

However, hostilities were put on hold for a condolence motion for former Senator Arthur Gietzelt who died last month.

The Prime Minister paid tribute to the ex-ALP Minister, as did Opposition Leader Bill Shorten.

“Today all of us salute Arthur for his service ... in war and in peace,” Mr Shorten told the House.

It was followed by another recognising former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.

Mr Abbott will meet with the Victorian Premier in Canberra today to discuss what can be done next to help workers, after the company yesterday announced it will cease local production in 2017 leaving 2500 without a job.

“It’s bad news, it’s devastating news, but it’s not going to happen next week, next month or next year,” he said.

“So there is time to manage this transition.”

Mr Abbott is understood to have taken a swipe at unions as he told colleagues that Mr Shorten’s mates stopped workers from entering an agreement which would have given the company a better chance.

The Prime Minister addressed the issue of government assistance during the joint party room meeting, saying the Coalition would be doing more harm than good if it chased businesses down the street with a blank cheque.

He instead said the focus should be on the “muscle and the sinews of a strong economy”.

Mr Abbott claimed there had already been economic shocks since the Coalition was elected and warned there would be more to come.

Mr Shorten believes the Coalition should have done more to help protect jobs, by assisting fellow carmaker Holden.

News_Rich_Media: Carsguide editor Paul Pottinger explains how Toyota struggled to make a profit and the factors that led to it ceasing manufacture in Australia.

Mr Shorten warned Australia will see an “economic tsunami” as a result of yesterday’s announcement and the shock waves will be “unprecedented”.

“Their job debt numbers are horrific,” he told reporters during a press conference with former Industry Minister Kim Carr and Victorian MPs in Canberra., accusing Tony Abbott of acting like an Opposition leader and leading a “job killing government”.

Mr Carr said the decision would not have been made if Labor was still in office.

“Six months ago I … was discussing with Toyota the possibility of them investing not in one model, but two,” Senator Carr said.

“But this is a government that walked away from jobs in Australia.”

He believes the loss of the industry will cost the government more than the assistance needed to keep it.

Clive Palmer said Toyota’s decision to cease production in Australia was “inevitable” and politicians need to be more creative about how to help the auto industry.

Arriving at Parliament House this morning for the first sitting day of 2014, the boisterous MP informed journalists about his choice of underwear.

He urged reporters to keep an eye on this afternoon’s Question Time, saying he would be asking the Prime Minister a “nice question”.

“For me this week’s an important week because this week we’re going to expose the Australian Electoral Commission for what they are,” Mr Palmer said.

The member for Fairfax, who wants a major review of the AEC, will also be addressing the National Press Club tomorrow, pledging to divulge how it has “rigged elections”.

“It will be really exciting,” he said, but refused to give the media “a taste”.

The Palmer United Party leader also responded to reports in The Australian that up to 90 jobs were axed at his Sunshine Coast golf resort and dinosaur park.

“I wasn’t involved in the decision,” he said.

“I’m only a member of Parliament, I’m sort of a retired gentleman at the moment.”

Mr Palmer said the tourist industry works on a seasonal basis and casuals are brought in for peak times.

“Now the peak season is over and when the peak season comes again there will be another 100 casual jobs created, that happens everywhere” he argued, questioning why his company receives media attention.

“I’ve even got red underpants on today, so run that one,” Mr Palmer joked, before entering Parliament House.

News_Image_File: Guessing game ... Clive Palmer says he will be asking the PM a “nice question” during Question Time.

Meanwhile, Greens MP Adam Bandt also warned of dire economic consequences as a result of the decision and said he wants to see a stimulus package for his state.

“The latest announcement of the death of the auto industry in Victoria puts Victoria on the road to recession,” Mr Bandt told reporters in Canberra.

“Whether Victoria plunges into recession is now ultimately in the hands of Joe Hockey and Tony Abbott,” he said.

And Labor frontbencher Richard Marles said he was sad and angry following the decision.

“The highest tech manufacturing that we do in this country today is making automotive vehicles,” Mr Marles told reporters in Canberra.

“With the announcement yesterday by Toyota we are a dumber country,” he said.

The member for the Victorian seat of Corio pointed the finger directly at the Prime Minister, accusing Tony Abbott of making a “conscience” decision not to have an auto industry.

Mr Marles said he wants to see component companies included in any assistance package.

Small Business Minister Bruce Billson conceded it was “shattering news” for those workers and component manufacturers that will be impacted.

But he warned against rushing to work out what is next.

“Another knee jerk reaction for a short term tactical response isn’t what (the) manufacturing industry and manufacturing workers need,” Mr Billson told journalists at the doors of Parliament House.

“They need a sober, adult, strategic response that recognises the strengths in our economy and in the manufacturing industry and how we can build on those for better jobs into the future.”

Tim Watts’ electorate of Gellibrand includes the company’s Altona plant.

He told reporters he was “angry” workers had to inform their families over dinner they would be out of a job.

“These jobs would not have been lost under a Labor government,” the Opposition backbencher said.

“A Labor government would have shown leadership when this perfect storm hit the Australian manufacturing industry.”

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