
The Editorial Team

Steve Zemek
Steve ZemekCourt reporter

Steve Zemek began his career in his native Queensland before moving to Sydney with Australian Associated Press in 2014. He worked as an NRL journalist for five seasons, covering the game all over Australia and in New Zealand before making a career pivot towards court reporting in 2019. He joined NCA NewsWire in mid 2020 as a Sydney-based court reporter where he has covered some of the state’s biggest cases.


SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA - NewsWire Photos - 24 JUNE 2024: Ulises Alejandro Dávila Plascencia (right) pictured leaving Downing Court. Three A-League players have been charged following an investigation by the Organised Crime Squad into alleged betting corruption under Strike Force Beaconview. Picture: NewsWire/ Monique Harmer

A-League spot fixing scandal explodes

The former captain of an A-League club has been hit with fresh charges over his alleged role in a betting scandal, with police alleging he was involved in corrupting the betting outcome of four more games.

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