Shocking impact drink has on boy’s body
Doctor Zac Turner warns that a popular drink can be as harmful to a child’s body and brain as cigarettes and alcohol.
Doctor Zac Turner warns that a popular drink can be as harmful to a child’s body and brain as cigarettes and alcohol.
Doctor Zac Turner has revealed the surprising answer to the question a man asked before his honeymoon: “Will flying economy ruin my libido?”
Dr Zac Turner explains how you can stop a common health problem in its tracks by doing these five things.
With months of rain turning our homes mouldy, a Sydney doctor has issued a warning – urgently clean or face huge health problems.
“All you have to do is diet and exercise” is common advice to overweight people but Dr Zac Turner says this isn’t helpful.
Cases of monkeypox are still rising and there’s concern and confusion over what the real danger is and how to avoid it.
An increasing number people are self-diagnosing after going on TikTok – and a doctor has warned it could lead to big problems.
Sydney’s Dr Zac Turner has shed light on the dangers of drinking too much alcohol – and the common misconception about having high cholesterol levels.
It’s something most dog owners do but a Sydney doctor has issued a warning to “stop it” as it could cause huge health problems.
Dr Zac Turner has advice for a young Sydney woman who does not believe her vagina is healthy.
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