Two Irish men face murder charges
Two Irish men on working holidays in Sydney are facing murder charges after a man was allegedly brutally bashed before New Year.
Two Irish men on working holidays in Sydney are facing murder charges after a man was allegedly brutally bashed before New Year.
Child sex predator Christopher Winters, who molested young boys, had social media accounts in breach of the Child Protection Register, a court heard.
The notorious bikie ‘prince’ Troy Mercanti, famed for his love of designer clothes, has walked free from jail again to run with the Finks gang.
A $1 million reward has been put up by the family of Black Swan dips millionaire to find the mystery gunman who murdered Christos Saristavros.
Having a bad attitude can ensure you spend the festive period behind bars — just ask gang rapist Mohammed Skaf.
Accused pervert landlord James “Tiger” Maxwell will plead guilty to spying on his tenants via secret cams, but more charges are looming.
Chris Dawson, the subject of The Teacher’s Pet podcast, has a third wife who lives in the shadow of the woman he’s accused of murdering.
Missing William Tyrrell’s birth father has faced court on an intimidation charge and violence order.
At the time William Tyrrell vanished he was playing a game of hide-and-seek with his sister. It’s a day that will be closely examined again.
They killed neighbours, lovers and strangers, dismembered victims and buried them alive. The women on death row are just as brutal as men.
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