‘Over it’: Aussie investors ditching rentals
Landlords who have been absorbing additional unforeseen costs with every interest rate hike have revealed their new approach.
Landlords who have been absorbing additional unforeseen costs with every interest rate hike have revealed their new approach.
Zhanna Samsonova thought her way of eating was her ‘magic pill’, but it is more likely to be what ended up killing her.
Family have revealed a devastating update after primary school student Decklan Hayward choked on a cocktail sausage.
A select group of Australians are fuming over an initiative they think will rob them of their modern day luxuries.
What used to a bustling community has all but become an eerie ghost town, but the remaining locals aren’t going down without a fight.
The Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs has become the first club to provide something free, but the change is long overdue.
For four decades families have called this remote town home, but it’s likely they will soon be forced find somewhere new to live.
The harbourside mansion purchased for $19 million by Qantas CEO Alan Joyce last year has been sold for an undisclosed amount.
A renowned Shark Tank ‘shark’ has been highlighted as one of the country’s loudest No campaigners, describing the Voice as “fantasy”.
Disturbing audio files and journal entries from a school shooter have been revealed in court as his future behind bars is decided.
Original URL: https://www.news.com.au/the-team/brooke-rolfe/page/17