
Teen hits Twitter after mowing down grandma

A TEEN driver who mowed down a beloved grandmother on Thanksgiving eve added insult to injury when she callously tweeted a photo of her holiday leftovers as the victim lay dying in the hospital.

A TEEN driver who mowed down a beloved grandmother on Thanksgiving eve added insult to injury when she callously tweeted a photo of her holiday leftovers as the victim lay dying in the hospital.

Ashley Viviana Davios, 19 - whose Facebook and Twitter pages show her grinning behind the wheel of a car - was driving a 2013 Ford Focus when she rounded a corner and struck pedestrian Maria Lucaj around 6.10pm November 27 in the Morris Park section of The Bronx, according to police.

Law-enforcement sources said Davios remained at the scene, didn't appear intoxicated and claimed that she didn't see Lucaj.

Lucaj, 55, who was in the crosswalk and had the right of way, according to law-enforcement sources, died four days later from a critical head injury.

But as Lucaj lay dying the day after Thanksgiving, Davios tweeted: "All I really need right now is to clear my head and find peace of mind."

Later that day, Davios tweeted a photo of a plate piled high with holiday food under the word "LEFTOVERS" - and also re-tweeted the message: "I love the holidays because I was able to see everyone that truly matters."

Then, the day after Lucaj died, Davios tweeted: "Karma needs to just slap the s–t out of you."

Lucaj's family said yesterday that they were outraged to see the Adelphi University student posting such self-centered remarks while they kept a bedside vigil for her at Jacobi Medical Center.

"I couldn't believe it," said son Robert. "She's posting about leftovers while my mother's brain-dead in the hospital."

Another son, Martin, said, "She was showing no remorse."

Martin said his mom, an Albanian immigrant who worked as a housekeeper in Manhattan, was on her way home when she was run down in a crosswalk just steps from her door.

"She was going to prepare Thanksgiving here," he said. "And to see [on Twitter] a meal that we weren't able to have was heartbreaking."

Martin said the family had been planning a Christmas vacation in Tampa, Florida, to visit eldest sibling Robert, whose wife gave birth to a son, Alex, 16 months ago.

"Every day she would pump her fist in the air and say, 'Na, na, na, na, na, I'm going to Florida to see Alex!' " Martin said.

She hasn't been charged, but an investigation is ongoing, cops said.

Davios didn't return phone calls and online messages.

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