
Tips for take better photos with iPhone 7 Plus portrait mode and shooting iPhone photos underwater

FROM underwater shots to a family portrait for the Christmas card, here is how you can take better photos with your iPhone.

Picture perfect ... an iPhone in a Tech21 underwater case. Here’s how to squeeze the best photos out of your phone.
Picture perfect ... an iPhone in a Tech21 underwater case. Here’s how to squeeze the best photos out of your phone.

THE iPhone is the world’s most popular camera but there are ways to make your iPhone photos really pop.

The easiest thing to do with the iPhone is to open the native camera app and hit the shutter, letting the smartphone do all the work.

But there are tricks to better smartphone photography this summer, from thinking about the composition to getting a waterproof case so that you can take iPhone photos in ways and places that go beyond the norm.

Here are some tips from a range of photographers.

Shooting iPhone pictures underwater

The iPhone 7 is water resistant, although that doesn’t mean you should take it for a swim. The water resistant rating means if you do happen to dunk your phone, it will be fine.

But you can put your iPhone in a waterproof case and take photos underwater. If you’re heading to the beach this summer and want to try your hand at selfies with the fishes, consider waterproof cases such as the ones made by LifeProof, Dog&Bone and Tech21.

Ryan Pernofski is based on the New South Wales south coast and shoots photographs while he’s surfing with his iPhone in an Optrix case. He has recently published a book of his photos called Salt and Light.

Ryan’s tips are:

1 . Look for Light: Light variations, including variations in the light source, dramatically affect the colour and mood/ feel of your photo. Look for where the light is coming from. There are so many subtle tones and colours that only really come from natural light - whether it’s the sun shining through the face of a wave or through a nearby window onto a subject.

2. Look for tension: Tension in a photograph occurs when something is unresolved and keeps the viewer questioning what will happen next. In photos, tension can be created by making something still that is not usually still. I think this is why photos of breaking waves are captivating.

Ocean photographer Mark Fitz shot images on the Great Barrier Reef and at Mackay with the iPhone in an Tech 21 Evo Aqua 360 Edition case that gives protection for the iPhone to a depth of 3m for one hour.

Mark Fritz says the first step to taking better underwater photos with your iPhone is understand your phone’s settings.
Mark Fritz says the first step to taking better underwater photos with your iPhone is understand your phone’s settings.

Mark’s tips are:

1. Know your smartphone and its settings: Unlike above the water, you can’t use the touch screen underwater. To be able to take photos you’ll need to use the volume keys to take the photo. Try this out above the water first to get comfortable using them: there’s nothing worse than missing a great shot because you couldn’t press the shutter release in time.

2. Know the subject you’re shooting and its behaviour: If you’re shooting a subject that is fast moving, then use the Burst mode. This will take multiple photos in a very short frame of time and can be the difference between getting the fish in the middle of your frame or just getting its tail in the corner as it swims away. Very rarely will a marine animal sit still and pose for you, so you need to be aware of what your camera is capable of and use the setting that best suits the conditions.

Shooting underwater shots in the middle of the day provides the best visibility. Picture: Mark Fitz.
Shooting underwater shots in the middle of the day provides the best visibility. Picture: Mark Fitz.
With a waterproof case you can take a fish selfie. Picture: Mark Fritz
With a waterproof case you can take a fish selfie. Picture: Mark Fritz

3. Time of day: When shooting underwater I like to shoot between 10am and 2pm. This is when the sun is at its highest point in the sky and provides the best visibility underwater. Ideally you would like it bright and sunny with no cloud cover. If there are clouds it’s not the end of the world, but keep an eye on where the sun is in relation to the clouds and wait until the sun comes out for the shot. Also, try to keep the sun either right above you or behind you: If you shoot into the sun quite often this can give the water a green tinge instead of beautiful blues.

4. Get as close as you think you need to be, and then get even closer: The main reason for getting close is you’ll get better colours and sharpness in the image. The more water between you and the subject, the more colour you will lose and the less sharp the image will be. Smartphones don’t have filters that can be attached to the lens as with SLRs, so you need to get as close as you can to eliminate the loss of colour.

5. Try to get at eye level with the subject or underneath it: This makes the viewer feel like they’re right there in that moment. Quite often when people are starting out snorkelling on the surface they tend to just shoot straight down. Don’t get me wrong, there’s some amazing images taken from straight above a subject, but more often than not the place to be for the best image is right down there with them at their level – just be careful to go no deeper than your waterproof camera casing is rated for.

Try to get at eye level or below. Picture: Mark Fritz
Try to get at eye level or below. Picture: Mark Fritz

Family portraits

The iPhone 7 Plus has a Portrait mode that mimics the shallow depth of field you get when shooting with a DSLR.

The first thing to know about Portrait mode is that it’s not just for portraits. You can use it with shots of objects in nature, or pets, or any object you want to highlight through depth of field.

To use Portrait mode on the iPhone 7 Plus.

1. Go to the Camera app and select Portrait.

2. You can see a live preview of the shallow depth of field. The further away you are from the background, the better the effect works.

3. Portrait mode works best when the whole object is the same distance from you. If you’re shooting a group of people, make sure they are the same distance from your iPhone.

4. You need the object to stand still. If you’re trying to take a picture of a moving object, don’t use the Portrait mode. And when using Portrait mode, ask people to stand still.

5. Look at the bottom of the screen for tips on using the mode. The iPhone will tell you if there is not enough light or if you are too far or too close to your subject.

6. If you want to get into the family photo, put your iPhone on a tripod or secure it in some way, hit the timer for 10 seconds and run to join the group.

Look for soft, diffused lighting. Picture: Ben Haisch.
Look for soft, diffused lighting. Picture: Ben Haisch.
When shooting pictures of your pet, give them space. Picture: Pei Ketron.
When shooting pictures of your pet, give them space. Picture: Pei Ketron.

Apple has collected some tips from photographers about getting the most out of Portrait mode.

1. JerSean Golatt: Get up close to your subject to bring out the details.

2. Jeremy Cowart: Cut out the distractions from your subject.

3. Pei Ketron:When taking photos of pets and animals she advises, give your pup some space. A distance of 2.5m is recommended. You’ll get the best results when your subject isn’t moving.

4. Wedding photographerBenj Haisch: Having soft, diffused lighting will help with keeping the photo flattering to your subject. Find a space that isn’t too busy or distracting.

Get up close to the subject. Picture: JerSean Golatt
Get up close to the subject. Picture: JerSean Golatt
Cut out the distractions. Picture: Jeremy Cowart.
Cut out the distractions. Picture: Jeremy Cowart.
iPhone 7 and Apple Watch Series 2 Underwater Tests

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