Steve Jobs stars in South Park's 15th season premiere, launching the Human CentiPad
THE South Park founders are back with a whole new take on the Apple iPad, presenting ... the Human CentiPad.
WHAT do you get when you combine Steve Jobs, an iPad and one of the grossest horror films of all time?
Yes, it's another tired, cheap pot-shot at Apple, but we promise the answer is priceless.
Because who better to answer this disgusting riddle than the creators of South Park, Trey Parker & Matt Stone?
As South Park kicks off its 15th season, the two actors and comedians have invented new ways to shock, disgust and amuse their audience and have done so with the launch of the latest fictional Apple product - the Human CentiPad.
The iPad has never been so gross.
The latest season features an animated Steve Jobs launching the latest iPad which is set to "revolutionise the way we use our phones and tablet devices".
(It also gives a whole new meaning to the colloquial slur "CrApple" used by armchair critics of the technology company.)
In South Park, the iPad comes attached to a table built out of three "interconnected" human beings.
You'll never look at your tablet PC the same way again.
Though it's not entirely clear what purpose the Human CentiPad fulfills, or - horrifyingly - whether it comes with a DIY colonoscopy app.
But at the very least, it's a novel surface on which to place your iPad, and if you can't find a seat, the table doubles as a chair.
Though the teaser trailer doesn't include any commentary from animated Apple fanbois, from the applause of the audience we can assume that for the most part, the Human CentiPad was well received.
Watch the teaser trailer below and let us know how you would use your Human CentiPad in the comment section below.