
Scientists have worked out the truth behind why paper cuts hurt like hell

THE stinging pain that accompanies paper cuts seems out of all proportion. But, as it turns out, there are some very good reasons for it.

OUCH ... Paper cuts look innocent but can be the injury from hell.
OUCH ... Paper cuts look innocent but can be the injury from hell.

THE stinging pain that accompanies paper cuts seems out of all proportion. But, as it turns out, there are some very good reasons.

The answer is that paper cuts are actually far more vicious than they look.

They’re not clean little cuts, but jaggy wounds cutting right through bundles of your most sensitive nerve cells, Scientific American reveals.

“A paper cut is not as clean as it looks.

“The edge of paper looks smooth, but it is actually jagged,” Ferris Jabr of Scientific American says.

Pain ... Many are confused why such a tiny cut could be so painful.
Pain ... Many are confused why such a tiny cut could be so painful.
Finger terror ... Paper cuts are actually far worse than they look.
Finger terror ... Paper cuts are actually far worse than they look.

“The piece of paper cuts through skin more like a small saw than a knife.”

“As if that wasn’t horrible enough, paper leaves behind chemical particles, irritating the wound.

“Because the wounds are shallow, they don’t bleed or clot very much. Damaged tissues and neurons remain exposed.

“Every time we use our hands, the wound flexes open, disturbing these neurons,” he added.

Now you know why they hurt so much, we’ll leave you with this:

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