
Dr Munjed Al Muderis went from watching The Terminator in Baghdad to helping amputees in Sydney

A SYDNEY surgeon who helps war veterans with titanium implants has delivered a special message to the government.

The titanium robots in The Terminator gave one young boy an idea.
The titanium robots in The Terminator gave one young boy an idea.

ARNOLD Schwarzenegger’s robot limbs in The Terminator captured the imagination of a 12-year-old boy in 1984.

That boy became a doctor and is now a leading orthopedic surgeon in Sydney.

Dr Munjed Al Muderis’s pioneering osseointegration technology uses titanium rod implants to give amputees a better connection between the bone and a prosthesis.

He’s helped scores of Australian and British war veterans walk again after their legs were blown off in Iraq and Afghanistan. His work has been lauded by the Queen and Prince Harry.

Not a bad effort for an Iraqi refugee who came to Australia on a leaky boat in 1999 and spent 10 months at Curtin Detention Centre in Western Australia.

Dr Al Muderis grew up in a privileged family and had a comfortable life in Baghdad.

But then life’s wheel of fortune shook things up.

Baath Party members marched into the hospital operating theatre and ordered the surgical team to mutilate the ears of army deserters.

The head surgeon refused, on the basis it was against the medical oath to do no harm.

“They put a bullet through his head,” Dr Al Muderis told a UN Refugee agency event in Canberra.

Then they turned to the others and said: “Ladies and gentlemen, now we have attracted your attention — anyone else share this guy’s view?” Dr Al Muderis opted to hide in the women’s toilets.

He fled the city, was smuggled out to Jordan, and then fled to Malaysia and Indonesia.

The harrowing boat journey to Australia was standing room only. Navigation advice given by people smugglers was that Christmas Island was 30 hours away, or the Australian mainland could be reached in two weeks.

“(They said) if you hit white cold desert and a lot of penguins you’ve gone too far,” Dr Al Muderis said.

On Christmas Island an Australian official, who knew that once the young doctor was transferred to Curtin he would be unable to speak with his family, lent him a satellite phone to let his parents know he was safe.

“It was the greatest human kindness,” he said, adding that he believes his mother stayed alive because of the hope generated. At Curtin, Dr Al Muderis lost his name and became a number — 982.

His English-speaking skills got him in trouble, and he had stints in solitary confinement and WA prisons, which he rated highly in comparison to detention.

He recounted how he once went on a hunger strike in order to get access to an anatomy textbook.

Upon being granted refugee status, Dr Al Muderis took a job at Mildura Base Hospital in regional Victoria.

His message to Australian politicians in the lead-up to the Federal Election is to show more empathy towards those seeking asylum.

“Unfortunately a lot of politicians are complacent thinking that this is the land of hope and is the happy land and nothing will affect us,” he said.

“We need to wake up, things can happen to anyone.”

Prince Harry and Prof Munjed Al Muderis visit Lt Ali Spearing, a Royal Engineers Officer who was badly wounded losing both legs above the knees whilst on deployment in Afghanistan in 2011.
Prince Harry and Prof Munjed Al Muderis visit Lt Ali Spearing, a Royal Engineers Officer who was badly wounded losing both legs above the knees whilst on deployment in Afghanistan in 2011.

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