
The legend of Atlantis has a dark, terrible history

Aquaman’s Atlantis is an extraordinary, awe-inspiring tale. But the popular legend has a forgotten dark-side. It was embraced by the Nazi’s. And the lost city was used to justify murder.

Adolf Hitler’s henchman Heinrich Himmler had a dream. He believed the Third Reich was a modern incarnation of an ancient super race. It was his justification for the Nazi party’s authoritarian rule, it’s ambitions towards Europe — and its persecution of Jews.

What he needed was something to ‘prove’ this Aryan superiority.

And the myth of Atlantis gave him just such an opportunity.

“Lost city legends hold a special romantic appeal that implies hidden or restricted knowledge,” says Ancient America’s archaeologist and anti-pseudoarchaeology campaigner Dr David Anderson. “Once such legends exist, they develop a pernicious hold on popular perceptions of the ancient world”.

It wasn’t the magical subnautical realm of Aquaman. Nor was it the original tale as told by the Greek philosopher Plato. Instead, it was a concoction that had grown out of the Victorian era.

Atlantis had been an entire continent in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Its empire had dominated Europe, Africa and South America.

Exactly the sort of domination Himmler wanted.

And any hint that the Germanic peoples were descendants of the architects of this lost empire would help him justify his new Nazi ideology.

So where did Himmler think this ancient seven-ringed island would be? After all, it had supposedly been shattered by earthquakes and consumed by the ocean within a single day and night.

He had that covered.

Nazi ideology was all about race.

It considered itself a superior breed. And Himmler’s version of the Atlantis tale told how its refugees scattered across the world. Their descendants had founded every subsequent civilisation — from the Egyptians in the south, the Mayans in the West, and to Europe’s Greek and Roman empires.


“Lost cities present a special challenge for archaeologists seeking to debunk pseudoarchaeology,” Dr Anderson says. “By definition, they are lost! … To engage with a lost city claim we must examine the roots of the story and the context in which it developed.”

In the case of Atlantis, there is only one source: Critias and Timaeus, by the Greek philosopher Plato.

In his dialogues, a group of philosophy students are given a task: think up a perfect utopian society — and then pitch it against his own perfect creation, the Republic, in a hypothetical war.

His probably imaginary student Critius creates a fearsome tribe which sweeps all before them — until they are defeated by the great and noble Athenians, of course

Plato waxed lyrical: “Listen men to a tale that is both strange but wholly true, for these histories tell of a mighty power — Atlantis”.

Through Critius, Plato paints a picture of a 9,000-year-old evil empire of unique geography — concentric rings of land and water. Sacred bulls roamed its red-metal clad temples. It was a thriving hub of ships and trade. He also positioned it ‘beyond the Pillars of Hercules’ — generally accepted as the mountain peaks that sit astride the Mediterranean’s entrance to the Atlantic Ocean.

“They were of all men most renowned and the wealth they possessed was so immense that the likes had never been seen before”.

Aquaman - Official Trailer

His Atlantis was a supremely successful city. Not a utopian empire of superhumans.

It was also aggressive. Obnoxious. It went to war against poor, innocent Athens. And for that, it was punished by the gods.

After just one day and one night of volcanic hell, Atlantis slid beneath the wavetops.

“Some people may want to interject here that Plato’s Atlantis has been alleged to be based on the eruption of Thera and the fall of the Minoan civilisation,” Dr Anderson says. “I’m not a huge fan of this idea, the evidence for it is weak”.

The volcano destroyed a Minoan trading hub on the island of Santorini a thousand years before Plato’s time. If he was inspired by memories of this catastrophe, it is odd that there are no other recorded references by other historians or philosophers.

Some argue Plato was weaving together a broad patchwork of stories into a fresh tale — in much the same way George R.R. Martin pulled together many historical elements — be they geographic, cultural or mythological — into his blockbuster Game of Thrones series.

The Great Wall even looks as though it is Hadrian’s Wall on a map of Britain, for example. The Knights Watch mirror the Knights Hospitaller and Templar. The Red Wedding was based on a similar, Scottish killing.

But there are no other known historic accounts of Thera in Greek tales — from the likes of Homer, for example — to support this.


Plato composed his work to make a political point, not a historical record. It was an allegory. A morality tale. He was, after all, a philosopher.

Plato’s Atlantis was a message to another supremely successful trading city: Athens.

It also was becoming arrogant. Aggressive.

He was proffering a pointed warning: pride comes before a fall.

He even teased the tale’s lack of validity, saying his protagonist, Crideus, had heard the story from his grandfather, who heard it in his youth from another guy — Thermocrates — who had the story passed down to him from Solon, and Solon had been told it by anonymous Egyptian priests.

As an aside, no hints of such tale has ever been found in Egyptian writings.

“The idea lays relatively dormant over the centuries,” Dr Anderson says. “There is a blip in the 1500s when some European authors were wondering how to explain the existence of the Americas, but then its quiet again until the 19th century when the spiritualists and Ignatius Donnelley pick it up.”

This is when Platos’ tale surged into the public’s imagination.

The idea of a powerful sunken civilisation took on a life of its own.

The modern incarnation bears little resemblance to Plato’s sketchy outline.

The idea it was the source of all modern civilisations is new.

The idea that it was the wellspring of all technological achievement is new.

The idea that it destroyed by a comet 12,000 years ago is new.

The rapid rise of the story’s popularity can be traced back to American congressman and author Donnelly — who, in 1882, capitalised upon the Victorian era’s wonder at exploration and discovery by writing a book called Atlantis: The Antediluvian World.

“Donnelly added the narrative of finding evidence for Atlantis in cultures around the world,” Dr Anderson says.

This sparked a tsunami of similar archaeological speculation, pseudoscience and mystic dreaming that continues today.

But not all of it was New Age wonder.

Atlantis was soon co-opted for a much more sinister purpose.


Germany was humiliated by its defeat in World War I. Its economy was wrecked. It’s faith in the world order shattered. Its people were willing to embrace new ideas, concepts, politics — and myths.

This propelled the rise of Adolf Hitler.

And, Hitler’s chief supporter — Heinrich Himmler — knew there was a cultural void needing to be filled. Which is why he and the Nazi Party embraced the Atlantean myth as its own.

It suited their racist view of the world perfectly.

How could such ‘inferior’ ancient cultures as those found in Africa, the Americas and Asia have possibly built up their own wondrous civilisations? Weren’t they backward? Unintelligent? Inferior?

The Atlantis myth offered an answer: here was a single ‘super’ civilisation, older than any other, that could have uplifted such ‘simpletons’ across the world with their sophisticated ideas.

In 1931, House Atlantis was built as a temple to this myth in the city of Bremen.

It was to be the headquarters for Himmler’s Institute for the Study of Atlantis, as well as a centre of study into the Aryan ‘super race’.

It was an extraordinary sight, bursting with iconography.

On the facade was an enormous timber sculpture of the god Odin crucified on the Nordic tree of life.

A huge art-deco central staircase was built of steel and glass. It led up to a room known as the Heavens Hall — a room which served as an initiation centre for Atlantean ‘secrets’.

At the heart of this Nazi cult was Herman Wirth.

He believed Atlantis was real.

He believed it had been located in the North Atlantic.

He believed it had risen to power some 20,000 years earlier.

He was convinced it was the origin of the Nordic Aryan race.

And Heinrich Himmler was Wirth’s number one fan.

Together, they assembled a specialist research unit within the Waffen SS — called the Ahnenerbe. Its mission was to bring together German archaeologists, scientists and historians to find ‘evidence’ Atlantis actually existed.

It was, in essence, an attempt to create history.


In 1936, zoologist Ernst Schäfer was summoned to SS headquarters in Berlin.

The Waffen SS officer had been called into the presence of Heinrich Himmler, the Nazi Party’s second-in-command.

He was already a heroic figure — a brave hunter, scientific researcher and self-promotional writer.

Himmler thought the ambitious adventurer to be an ideal German and officer of his secret police.

And, having been a part of two separate expeditions to the region, Schafer was invaluable as a leader for an expedition to Tibet.

What does mountain-locked Tibet have to do with the ancient maritime empire of Atlantis?

Himmler detailed his thinking: In ancient times, the survivors of Atlantis had founded a civilisation in Asia. And Tibet — the isolated Himalayan nation — was least likely to have been ‘polluted’ by history. Here, the ‘original’ Aryan race and culture were likely to be best preserved, cut off from the outside world.

The Tibetans — almost unknown at the time — could have been part of the German master race.

Problem was, Schäfer didn’t believe a word of it.

The radical cult being promoted by the Nazi’s was simply … unreal.

It espoused ‘Cosmic Ice Theory’, where the stars were not suns like our own, but reflective balls of ice. One of these collided with the Earth, sinking Atlantis and forcing the advanced Aryan people living there to flee.

This ice ball, it was claimed, rebounded off the Earth’s surface — and became the Moon.

And it was now the Nazi’s mission to ‘reinstate’ the Aryan race to its place as the supreme earthly culture.


On one level, any expedition to Tibet was bound to win Schäfer worldwide glory.

But he was a member of the SS. And this mission was to be conducted by the Ahnenerbe. He soon found the Ahnenerbe stacking his staff with discredited archaeologists, mystics and pseudoscientists.

Schäfer rejected them.

He wanted his survey of Tibet to be scientifically rigorous. Beyond reproach.

But, as Himmler was sponsoring the expedition, most of his team had to be drawn from the ranks of the SS.

Among them was 26-year-old anthropologist Bruno Beger. He was trained in determining a person’s racial heritage by taking face and skull measurements. This enabled him to discern the ‘superior’ Aryan races from inferior peoples.

Schäfer’s expedition to Tibet set out in April 1938. The world was erupting in turmoil around him as Hitler took control of the Rhineland and marched into Austria.

Eventually, Schäfer won permission for a 14 day visit of deepest Tibet. In January 1939, the expedition crossed into Tibet and into the shadow of the holy city of Lhasa’s Potala Palace.

In an attempt to bypass British attempts to foil his efforts, Schäfer told the Tibetan leadership they and Nazi Germany shared a common bond: the swastika.

It was a Tibetan symbol of good fortune. It would soon become a sign of oppression in Europe.

Tibet’s regent was impressed. So he allowed Schäfer to continue.

Beger began measuring faces of Tibetans living on the border. He found no sign of the super human, blond, blue-eyed ‘Atlantean’ Aryans Himmler expected. They returned to Germany just weeks before the outbreak of war .

But Himmler welcomed Schäfer and his team as heroes for defying the British and conducting their great search.

To him, that in itself was enough.

All he needed was the pretence that a link with the past had been on the verge of being ‘rediscovered’ to validate his Third Reich mythology.

Beger had not found any anthropologic evidence of an Atlantis — Aryan link. After working in Auschwitz, he was tried and convicted in 1971 as an accomplice to murder.

Schäfer’s scientific career ended with the war. He ended up working in a wildlife park in Venezuela.


The destruction of the Third Reich did nothing to curtail the popularity of Atlantean mythology.

Its Aryan embellishments may have been downplayed. But the story is still essentially the same as that Himmler would have proclaimed from House Atlantis’ Heavens Hall.

And Schäfer’s search goes on.

He wasn’t even the first.

“This very much makes me think of Percey Fawcett and his obsession to find the City of Z in the Amazon,” Dr Anderson says. “He thought it was an Atlantean colony, and in particular that it was built by whites.”

And there are constantly new ‘discoveries’ of underwater ‘cities’ based on blurry satellite photographs, shady sonar echoes or personal revelation.

“It has been a busy year for Atlantis,” Dr Anderson writes. “The legendary lost city has been ‘found’ in the Sahara Desert, in the heart of Antarctica, along the boggy coastline of Spain and just offshore from Los Angeles.”

All fall short upon closer examination.

But not in the minds of a public hungry for inspiration. And for some who simply cannot believe that different peoples in different parts of the world at different times can find similar solutions to the same problems.

A 2018 survey of paranormal beliefs by Chapman University found that 56.9 per cent of the United States agree or strongly agree that ‘Ancient, advanced civilisations, such as Atlantis, once existed’.

“This number is troubling to scholars who study the ancient world, including myself,” Dr Anderson says.

And claims of lost cities are particularly problematic.

“If an archaeologist insists the city does not exist, then they are closed minded. Or instead, if the archaeologist goes looking for a city and fails to find it, they have not looked hard enough,” he says.

But, ultimately, it remains an enticing and fascinating story that sells movies, novels — and computer games.

“The lines between truth and fiction, however, become blurred as many of these same forms of popular culture also incorporate known historical or archaeological details.”

Confounding the problem is a general silence from the archaeological and history establishments, he says.

“By refusing to engage with pseudoarchaeological claims, or simply dismissing those claims, archaeologists are reinforcing the existing narrative that paints our discipline as conspirators. To overcome these problems, I argue that archaeologists must take an active role in deconstructing these alternative claims about the past.”


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