
Fossils of previously unknown human species discovered in cave

Scientists have discovered the fossilised remains of a previously unknown type of human that proves our evolution is more complicated than we knew.

Proof humans are just "highly advanced fish"

Thirteen fossil bones and teeth excavated in a cave in the Philippines represent an enigmatic previously unknown human species.

Scientists said the Homo luzonensis species were probably small in stature and possessed an unexpected mix of archaic and modern traits.

The remains of at least three individuals from this species were discovered in Callao Cave on the northern part of the island of Luzon.

University of the Philippines (UP) Associate Professor Armand Salvador with fossils and teeth of a discovered new human species, the Homo luzonensis. Picture: AFP
University of the Philippines (UP) Associate Professor Armand Salvador with fossils and teeth of a discovered new human species, the Homo luzonensis. Picture: AFP

The find marked the second time this century that a bygone member of the human family has been found on southeast Asian islands.

The researchers were unable to extract DNA but did determine that one of the individuals lived 67,000 years ago and the other 50,000 years ago. In 2003, fossils of another island-dwelling species — Homo floresiensis, dubbed the “Hobbit” due to its diminutive size — were unearthed in a cave on the Indonesian island of Flores, about 3000km from the Luzon site. There is no indication the two species interacted or were closely related. Homo luzonensis was a contemporary not only of the Hobbit but of our own species, Homo sapiens, which emerged in Africa roughly 300,000 years ago.

The excavation in the Callao Cave in the north of Luzon Island, in the Philippines, where an international multidisciplinary team discovered a new hominin species. Picture: AFP
The excavation in the Callao Cave in the north of Luzon Island, in the Philippines, where an international multidisciplinary team discovered a new hominin species. Picture: AFP

The scientists said they could not rule out the possibility that the arrival of our species in the region contributed to the demise of Homo luzonensis. The “Hobbit” also disappeared about 50,000 years ago at the same time Homo sapiens was spreading through the region.

The Luzon and Flores discoveries demonstrate that the story of human evolution is more complicated than previously understood, with Asia offering up surprises, potentially with more to come, the researchers said.

The researchers were circumspect in describing the physical appearance and lifestyle of Homo luzonensis, known only from a sparse assemblage of hand and foot bones, and teeth from two adults and one juvenile, with no skull fossils. Based on tooth size in particular, it appears it might have been much smaller than Homo sapiens, but it is unclear whether it was as little as the Hobbit, which was roughly one metre tall.

The fossils and teeth of a discovered new human species, the Homo luzonensis, at a press conference at the UP College of science Auditorium in Manila. Picture: AFP
The fossils and teeth of a discovered new human species, the Homo luzonensis, at a press conference at the UP College of science Auditorium in Manila. Picture: AFP

The research was published in the journal Nature.

Based on animal bones with butchering marks found at the site, it appears these people ate meat and may have used stone tools, Detroit said. The fossils from the seven-chamber cave, situated in the foothills of Luzon’s northern Sierra Madre mountains, boasted a combination of anatomical features setting it apart from other human species.

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