
3000-year-old tomb belonging to a nobleman unearthed in Egypt

A NEW tomb has been discovered in Egypt dating back to the New Kingdom of the 18th Dynasty.

Sinkhole reveals lost Egyptian temple

ARCHAEOLOGISTS have uncovered a 3000-year-old tomb in Upper Egypt.

Discovered near the southern city of Luxor, the tomb is believed to have belonged to a nobleman named Amenhotep.

Dating back to the New Kingdom of the 18th Dynasty, the tomb honours the nobleman who guarded the temple of the ancient deity, Amun.

Egypt’s Minister of Antiquities Mamdouh el-Damaty said the tomb contained “stunning scenes with bright colours” painted on the walls.

He added the scenes depict the tomb owner and his wife in front of an offering table, as well as scenes of daily life, such as hunting.

The tomb was discovered by the American Research Centre’s team, although no date has been attributed to the discovery.

Sinkhole reveals lost Egyptian temple
The inside of a new tomb belonging to Amenhotep. Picture: AFP
The inside of a new tomb belonging to Amenhotep. Picture: AFP

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