
World’s creepiest creatures will give you nightmares

BUGS that resemble last night’s kebab and this totally freaky thing. Look away now. These are the world’s 7 ugliest animals.

Five Scary #Animals: The Anti-Cute and Cuddly

JUST when you thought puppy-sized spiders were the creepiest creatures on the planet, we found a few more to give you nightmares.

1. This thing that looks like Golem from Lord of the Rings (Aye Aye Lemur)

This guy lives in Madagascar, and when it’s not busy searching for its precious ring, it’s using its creepy long fingers to get grubs out of trees.

Drugs, not even once.
Drugs, not even once.

2. Fish eating spiders (Dolomedes triton)

These suckers are on every continent in the world. Except for Antarctica, a place we all need to move to. They take down fish five times their size and not only do they penetrate them with their fangs and poison them, they then spray an alien acid to make them easier to eat. We recommend never swimming again.

Oh hi, would you like some of my fish?
Oh hi, would you like some of my fish?

3. This thing that combines every creepy thing about bugs in one (Amblypygi)

Technically it’s called an Amblypygi, and technically it is a scorpion, but it also kind of looks like a spider. Oh, and it has freaking claws and arms! If one of these crawls into your house, burn it down.

Nothing about this is okay.
Nothing about this is okay.

4. This fish looks like the Predator (Sarcastic Fringehead)

Oh come on, why does this even exist? Called a sarcastic fringehead, it gets even scarier when you consider it looks like a normal fish before it opens up its mouth and just looks so beautiful and enticing. Or maybe that’s us being sarcastic.

5. Don’t go towards the pretty light or you may be devoured (Wolf Trap)

This guy is so terrifying that its skipped the whole fish trap thing as a name and is named as though it could catch a damned wolf. This thing has a fishing rod coming out of its head to attract fish, which it then devours with its huge jaw that open sideways. Lucky for us, the Wolf Trap is found in really deep waters. You might want to sell your submarine, though.

This is his dating site pic. Imagine how much worse he is in the flesh.
This is his dating site pic. Imagine how much worse he is in the flesh.

6. He wants to take over the world (Santino the chimp)

This dude is what we should really be worried about. He may look like an ordinary chimpanzee at the zoo, but he is smart, way too smart and is planning world domination. Since 2009, his zookeepers at the Furuvik zoo in Sweden started to notice he would throw rocks at visitors at the zoo, which is fair enough we guess. But, he started getting really good at it. Not just great aim, but he would hide rocks so they couldn’t get taken away and then just as the crowd picked up he would find them and hurl them at people.

Planet of the Apes is actually a documentary from the future.

Don’t trust that smile.
Don’t trust that smile.

7. Okay, this thing is just a penis

So this isn’t exactly scary. Unless you suffer from medorthophobia, of course. It’s called an Atretochoana eiseltiis. But really, it should just be called a penis snake. It was first discovered in the 60s, but popped up again in 2011 when some Brazilian engineers discovered them in the Madeira River. Ugh.

A particularly handsome fellow models the latest penis snake wrinkly look.
A particularly handsome fellow models the latest penis snake wrinkly look.

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