
Pod of sperm whales collide with fisherman’s boat

THESE fisherman got the shock of a lifetime when a group of sperm whales introduced themselves in the Pacific Ocean.

Curious whale crashes into boat

A SMALL Chilean fishing boat has had a very close encounter with a pod of curious sperm whales.

The vessel was reportedly off the coast of Lebu, central Chile, when the whales approached the boat and began swimming directly at it.

The boat appears to be relatively small and yet despite the vessel thrashing around on the Pacific Ocean, the fisherman were quick to grab their phones and films the ginormous creatures.

One whale appears to knock into the boat while another swims underneath.

Mature male sperm whales average 16 metres in length while some may reach as long as 20.5 metres and are the largest of the toothed whales.

It was an encounter the fisherman are unlikely to forget.
It was an encounter the fisherman are unlikely to forget.

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