Hundreds of koalas killed in secret mass cull
HUNDREDS of koalas have been killed in a secret cull that was kept quiet to avoid a backlash from locals and activist groups, according to reports.
NEARLY 700 koalas have been reportedly been secretly killed in a mass cull in Victoria due to concerns over starvation in a key habitat.
The Australian reports that 686 koalas were culled near the Great Ocean Road in 2013 and 2014 in response to overpopulation in manna gum woodlands in the area.
The koalas, which were mainly starving due to the dense koala population in the area, were captured and sedated before being put down, with healthy females released and treated with fertility control hormone implants, The Australian reports.
The cull is said to have been done in secret to avoid a backlash from locals and activists.
Victoria’s recently elected government is considering its options on how to deal with starvation in the Cape Otway area, which is about 230km southwest of Melbourne.