
Biologists remove arrow from wounded deer's head

A HUNTER'S arrow was no match for this incredible foal. The five-month-old is back in the wild now after surgery to remove an arrow that went straight through his head. Warning: Graphic picture.

It's unknown how long the deer was wounded before authorities were able to act.
It's unknown how long the deer was wounded before authorities were able to act.

BIOLOGISTS were able to save the life of a baby deer that survived an arrow wound straight through its head.

The hunting arrow pierced the five-month-old male deer's skull and exited the other side, but missed all major organs and arteries.

The wounded animal was spotted by a local property owner in New Jersey on November 1.

It's unknown how long the deer was wounded before authorities were able to act.
It's unknown how long the deer was wounded before authorities were able to act.

Wildlife officials from The Department of Environmental Protection tracked down the animal, tranquillised him and were able to remove the arrow.

The deer was later released back to the wild after being given antibiotics, and the biologists who did the procedure say its chances of survival are excellent.


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