
Adorable viral video shows monkey trying to wear a face mask

A monkey has been filmed trying its best to comply with coronavirus safety protocols – by wearing a face mask.

Adorable video shows monkey putting on a face mask

Coronavirus safety protocols haven’t just become second nature to most people, they seem to be rubbing off on the local wildlife too.

It was a classic case of “monkey see, monkey do” in South Africa on Monday, when one of the resident primates was spotted taking to a fabric face mask with impressive eagerness.

A small animal approached a black face mask sitting on the road, took a seat, and swiftly applied it to his face.

The size seemed to create a minor issue however, with the mask covering the monkey’s entire face when he brought it up to his head.

A witness described the animal as a “legend” after he put the ill-fitting mask on, and despite having no vision, proceeded to walk across the road.

A monkey has warmed the hearts of thousands for trying to wear a face mask. Picture: Facebook
A monkey has warmed the hearts of thousands for trying to wear a face mask. Picture: Facebook

The monkey took a brief intermission to itch its side and try the mask for a second time, but again placed it over his eyes.

He didn’t let a lack of vision stop him from walking around though, walking in a circle before taking it off again.

Footage of the adorable moment was quick to go viral on social media after it was uploaded by a woman in Durban, a city in eastern South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal province.

Her video attracted more than 1.5 million views and almost 3000 comments on Facebook, with the video later being shared across other social platforms too.

The monkey took a seat before putting the mask on his head. Picture: Facebook
The monkey took a seat before putting the mask on his head. Picture: Facebook

“See even this monkey has more sense than most people,” one person wrote in a comment, in reference to some people’s refusal to wear face masks in public.

“Even a monkey can see masks are a good thing in a pandemic. Smarter than a lot of people,” someone else said.

Another joked that “even the monkeys are mocking us dang”.

“Next thing you know … The next thing he will do is go get the vaccine,” someone else added.

Others thought the footage was “sad and funny at the same time”.

“Poor thing … who knows where that mask has been,” one wrote.

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