
Viral video of little girl trying wasabi for the first time causes outrage online

Is this cruel or funny? A video of a toddler trying wasabi for the first time has gone viral, but maybe for wrong reasons.

Little girl tries wasabi for the first time

DO YOU find the video above cruel or funny?

A video of a toddler trying wasabi for the first time has gone viral, but maybe for wrong reasons.

The video has copped a lot of backlash online, with many people suggesting that it’s “just plain cruel” to give wasabi to a young child — even though the little girl seems keen to taste the spicy ingredient.

In the video you can hear the mum repeatedly ask her daughter, “Do you want to try wasabi?” The little girl replies “no”, but continues to ask for it.

Little girl tries wasabi for the first time.
Little girl tries wasabi for the first time.

The mum asks her daughter to “smell it first” before tasting but the adventurous bub doesn’t waste any time and lunges towards the chopstick with her mouth wide-open.

And the look on her face after trying it is priceless. She knows she’s made a huge mistake. But the toddler doesn’t cry, she just adorably says “help” to her mum.

The moment you know you’ve made a HUGE mistake.
The moment you know you’ve made a HUGE mistake.
“Help ...” This little girl’s reaction to trying wasabi is polarising
“Help ...” This little girl’s reaction to trying wasabi is polarising

Despite the toddler’s rather calm reaction, thousands of people online have VERY mixed feelings about the video.

Facebook user Jacinta Ingram says, “Why would you give your child wasabi, that is just plain cruel”.

Another said, “Personally, I wouldn’t be giving wasabi to such a young child, not even as a joke”.

“That poor child. Nothing funny, just f*****g cruel,” says Facebook user Susan Walsham.

But a lot of people on Facebook were quick to jump to the mum’s defence.

“Look at all the beige people outraged,” says Sarah Oaten on Facebook.

Another said, “This is hilarious and judging by the way her mother talks to her, I doubt this is done in malice … How else do kids learn? It was a minuscule amount and the girl did not shed a tear”.

“Wow the comments … People need to chill the f**k out!!!” said Sami Moubarak.

“It wouldn’t have harmed the child. The child wanted to taste it, it’s just like introducing any foods and flavours to children. But I’m sure she won’t try it again lol” said another Facebook user.

Another day, another fiery Facebook debate. What a time to be alive ...

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