
Puppy gets second chance after legs get severed by angry neighbour

ONE lucky pup gets the fresh start to life it deserves after having his two front legs chopped off by an angry neighbour.

Cola is loving his new prosthetic legs!
Cola is loving his new prosthetic legs!

DESPITE his horrific start to life, Cola is getting the fresh start he deserves.

At nine months old, Cola was being a usual mischievous pup and managed to escape out of his Bangkok home and explore a neighbour’s property. Here he found a pair of shoes and began doing what puppies do best — chewing through them.

Unfortunately this innocent play cost Cola his two front legs, as an angry neighbour severed both off with a sword as punishment.

An angry neighbour in Bangkok, Thailand hacked Cola’s two front legs off
An angry neighbour in Bangkok, Thailand hacked Cola’s two front legs off

After the ghastly incident was reported to Asia’s largest animal welfare group, Soi Dog Foundation came to Cola’s rescue.

After losing a lot of blood, Cola was taken to a specialist hospital, where he slowly began recovering.

And get the tissue box ready …

Cola has now been fitted with a pair of prosthetic legs!

Things are looking up for the adorable pup.
Things are looking up for the adorable pup.

This video posted to Soi Dog Foundation’s Facebook of Cola learning to walk again has been viewed over seven million times.

It has melted hearts all over the world with hundreds of people offering to adopt the adorable pup. But despite these generous offers, Cola has already found a new loving home with Soi Dog Foundation co-founder John Dalley and his wife Gill, who happens to be a double-amputee herself.

Cola with her new owner Gill, who happens to be a double-amputee herself.
Cola with her new owner Gill, who happens to be a double-amputee herself.

Mr and Mrs Dalley have been living in Thailand for the past 13 years, where they originally planned to retire but instead set up the Soi Dog Foundation — helping to home abandoned and suffering dogs and cats of Asia.

Thanks to Mr and Mrs Dalley and the Soi Dog Foundation, Cola is now one happy camper.

And as for the angry neighbour responsible Cola’s horrific incident, the man said the attack was an accident and was issued one month’s detention for the crime.

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