
Notorious vegan activist Tash Peterson strips down in Louis Vuitton again

An infamous vegan activist has repeated her ‘most powerful protest’, shocking onlookers and attracting police in the process.

Vegan protester targets luxury store again

Notorious vegan activist Tash Peterson has celebrated the anniversary of her “most powerful protest” by stripping down and smearing “blood” in a Louis Vuitton store again.

The 28-year-old shocked onlookers on Saturday when she paraded around the luxury Melbourne boutique in only her underwear.

Ms Peterson drenched her almost naked body and the store’s steps in red liquid as she preached to her stunned audience.

“Louis Vuitton murder cows, sheep, goats, crocodiles, snakes, foxes, minks, ducks and geese. They murder baby lambs and turn their skin into leather jackets,” she yelled.

Vegan activist Tash Peterson has covered herself in 'blood' at a Louis Vuitton store once again. Picture: Facebook/Tash Peterson
Vegan activist Tash Peterson has covered herself in 'blood' at a Louis Vuitton store once again. Picture: Facebook/Tash Peterson

“Louis Vuitton have blood on their hands and so do you if you're not vegan. The fur, leather, wool, down, scale and silk industries abuse, torture and murder animals.

“They fight for their lives until their very last breath in the name of fashion of clothing. We do not need to be contributing to this.

“If you’re not vegan, you’re an animal abuser.”

Ms Peterson was eventually approached by security guards who asked her to leave the store.

She shared her excitement and nervousness on Instagram before she pulled off the audacious display.

“I am going in disguise to do a disruptive protest today inside Louis Vuitton as an anniversary since my first Louis Vuitton disruption exactly one year ago … which was by far my most powerful protest,” she said.

“I’m incredibly nervous, but it’s going to be a f***ing awesome and powerful protest.”

Tash Peterson (right) and other activists protest in Melbourne. Picture: Instagram
Tash Peterson (right) and other activists protest in Melbourne. Picture: Instagram

Saturday's protest was a repeat of a stunt she pulled at a Perth Louis Vuitton store at this time last year.

On that occasion, Ms Peterson also walked around the store in only a G-string and covered her body in red liquid.

“Who was murdered for your leather bag, down jacket and woollen jumper,” she shouted at Perth shoppers

“Animals are not clothing, they’re not food, entertainment, commodities, machines or objects.

She also held up a placard that read: “I would rather be naked than wear someone else’s skin.”

Ms Peterson later claimed the red liquid she used contained her own menstrual blood.

“I am using my body and blood to help those who have no autonomy over their bodies,” she said after the incident.

“I used my period blood to cover my naked body in this protest to symbolise the bloodshed of the animal holocaust and the ingrained anthropocentrism in our society.”

Tash Peterson protesting at a Perth Louis Vuitton store last year. Picture: Facebook
Tash Peterson protesting at a Perth Louis Vuitton store last year. Picture: Facebook

It is not known what was contained in the liquid she used on Saturday.

Victoria Police confirmed they attended the Melbourne store in response to the protest, but Ms Peterson was not charged with any offence.

“Police attended a boutique in Melbourne’s CBD on 20 August after a woman threw red liquid inside the premises,” a police spokesperson said,

“Officers were called to the Collins St store about 1.45pm where staff requested the woman to leave after she threw the red liquid on the floor.

“The woman complied and left the store.

“No offence was detected.”

Tash Peterson was not charged after her latest protest. Picture: Facebook/Tash Peterson
Tash Peterson was not charged after her latest protest. Picture: Facebook/Tash Peterson

Ms Peterson made the move from Perth to Melbourne earlier this year after she was banned from all licensed venues across Western Australia for what she described as a “nonviolent protest”.

She also recently said she was charged with three criminal offences for a protest she did in Perth in June.

Ms Peterson said she was on the “wrong side of the law” but the “right side of history”.

“I have received a prosecution notice and summons to court for three criminal offences for one protest that I did in June,” she posted to Instagram on Tuesday.

“Two charges of trespass in Outback Jack’s and Old Shanghai in Northbridge and one charge of disorderly conduct as a result of raising awareness about the animal holocaust in the meat, dairy and egg industries.

“I currently have a criminal record of three convictions as a result of my activism and will be appealing two convictions of disorderly conduct in the Supreme Court this September.”

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