
Instagram power in the hands of influencers

THERE are the ranters, the braggers and the over-sharers but is the authentic and genuine who shall inherit social media.

INSTAGRAM is the playground of many brands and people, known for food, fitness and fashion.

The platform has exploded with users sharing just about everything on the little sister of Facebook.

Instagram has more than 400 million users globally and approximately six million registered users in Australia.

Australian digital agency Online Circle Digital has just released an Instagram Performance Report. The agency looked at 12 industries and over 300 Australian brands and social media influencers’ accounts.

Lead strategist Lucio Ribeiro said the most surprising finding from the report was the power of ‘influencers’ on Instagram in Australia.

Top accounts by followers.
Top accounts by followers.

Fitness gurus like Kayla Itsines and Hanna Polites and fashion bloggers Jessica Stein and Nicole Warne wielded a powerful Instagram following and influence.

“The main reason I would say for these followings is because they are authentic and they really build emotional connections with their followers,” Ribeiro said.

“Kayla really nails it, she is the benchmark,” he said.

Out of the 300 analysed brands and influencers the latter surged as the biggest and most engaging category.

Kayla topped both the most followers and most engaging lists.

Top accounts by engagement
Top accounts by engagement

You can view the entire report here.

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