
‘Burn it down’: Australia unleashes its fury on Canberra after a week of political chaos

THE utter calamity of the past week of politics has infuriated Australians, who have reacted with anger once again today.

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FURY has washed across Australia at the end of a calamitous week in politics.

The Liberal Party's leadership crisis has seen social media light up with messages of anger, frustration and exhaustion.

The upset among most people is palpable at the end of an horrific few days that has seen the government tear itself apart.

Senior politicians were also sounding off, with Queensland Labor Senator Murray Watt reflecting on yesterday’s early adjournment of the House as “an utter disgrace”.

On radio this morning, Craig Laundy said Australians were right to be “cranky” with the government.

If there was one word that summed up the feeling of the voting public about events in Canberra, it would be “circus”.

And like a car crash, people couldn’t help but watch on in a kind of curious shock.

Many were looking to assign blame for this mess, with one culprit at the top of the list.

The general consensus was that people were tired after a week of chaos and wanted a resolution as soon as possible.

There wasn’t much optimism about the outcome, given the lack of skill with which the leadership challenge was brought about.

There were more than a few appeals for the PM from across the ditch, Jacinda Ardern, to take on a new role.

Despite the fury, some Aussies turned to humour to get through. If you can’t laugh, what else is there to do?

As for what happens next, some expect history will repeat itself.

God help us all.

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