How Facebook users are being scammed by 'naked friends'
DON'T let curiosity get the better of you. Avoid checking out your naked Facebook friends if you want to stay safe online and free from infection.
ANOTHER day, another online scam you should be aware of.
This time, internet security company Bitdefender has identified a virus preying on the carnal temptations of Facebook users by sending messages promising to have a naked video of their friends.
Those who can't resist and click to have a peek will be redirected to a fake YouTube website where a Trojan is deployed and malware installed on your machine with the intent to not only spread the virus but also compromise your private data.
To make the scam more credible, cyber-criminals also increased the number of views of the adult video and included "age-restricted" subtitles based on "Community Guidelines." The date is also adjusted to imply real-time content.
If you have ashamedly clicked on the link you're not alone as more than two million users have allegedly done the same. The virus hit Australia shortly after its debut and has since seen more than 2000 people infected according to research released by Bitdefender Labs.
To avoid being infected dodge clicking on any messages titled in the following way:
"[user's name] private video"
"[user's name] naked video"
"XXX private video"