Coalition retracts internet filters policy
THE Coalition has been forced to issue a correction on its own policy that would have put internet filters blocking "adult content" on every mobile and tablet.
A RED-FACED Coalition has been forced to issue a correction on its own policy that would have put internet filters blocking "adult content" on every mobile and tablet.
An 11-page policy quietly released today also promised service providers would be instructed to install filters for all new home broadband systems that would automatically block content, like a recently adopted UK model.
The blocks would have only been removed from mobiles only if the owner could prove they were over 18 and from home services if the customer specifically requested it be removed.
But Communications Spokesman Malcolm Turnbull retracted the policy tonight.
He said it was "poorly worded and incorrectly supported an opt out system of internet filtering for both mobile and fixed line services".
"The Coalition has never supported mandatory internet filtering," he said.
Instead, the Coalition would encourage mobile phone and internet companies to make available software that parents could install to protect their children from inappropriate material.
The initial document published specifically promised to copy measures introduced in the UK in recent months for opt-out internet filters for unsuitable content like pornography.
The Gillard Government was forced late last year to abandon a Rudd Government promise to introduce a national internet filter, which critics said would be inefficient, slow internet speeds and block unintended sites.
But the since retracted Coalition document said its approach was "a very different approach to the discredited compulsory filter", allowing people to decide whether to operate the "maximum protection" filter or not, as had been adopted in the UK.
Tony Abbott admitted to having quickly read the internet filter policy but did not spot the blunder, instead he believed it referred to encouraging providers to offer internet filtering if customers chose.
"We don't support internet filtering, we have never supported internet filtering," he said.
"I think there should be commercially available filters at the PC and mobile phone level for people to opt into if they wish.
"I read the policy last night, quickly it has to be said, I thought it was a reference to the ability of people to get an internet-based filter. I am sorry it was poorly worded, that has been cleared up."
Earlier tonight, Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey said he knew nothing of the compulsory internet filter when asked about it on Channel Ten's The Project.
When asked about Malcolm Turnbull's 2001 comments - in which Turnbull described the Labor proposal of a similar filter, almost exactly the same filter, as a restraint of freedom of speech - Hockey said: "Well, I'm not sure it's the same internet filter. I mean that's news to me.''
"I will check it out ... I've been a bit preoccupied today.''
When pressed about that it was a bit late to check out given it had already been announced just 36 hours out of Saturday's election, Hockey said: "Hang on - It's not quite the same as the internet filter that was previously - which I also campaigned against, the previous government's internet filter. But let me have another look at it. Today I have been preoccupied. I don't want to cut across what has been released today.''