
Scott Ludlam: The PAX attending, rap video making politician who gets young people

YOUNG people are sick of seeing grey-haired men tell them how to live their lives with no regard for their opinion. Thankfully, someone actually cares.

Greens Senator for WA Scott Ludlam. Picture: Richard Hatherly
Greens Senator for WA Scott Ludlam. Picture: Richard Hatherly

YOUNG Australians are becoming increasingly important in the political space and some politicians, such as Green’s senator Scott Ludlam, realise this.

On the weekend, Senator Ludlam attended PAX, a video game and culture conference in Melbourne where he gave a speech about data retention and what that meant for gamers. For a group of people who have long felt like their opinions did not matter to the grey-haired elite who run the country, this was a welcome change.

It isn’t the first time the senator has genuinely reached out to young people, he actually has a long history of bonding with the youth of Australia, here’s how ...

He’s a sick DJ

Earlier this year, DJ Scotty-Ludz himself took the stage at the Capitol hotel in Perth for Ludalpalooza. Finally, a political party that actually likes to party.

He’s a hardcore rapper

Not only does DJ Scotty-Ludz know how to spin the decks, he also can drop a few lines, including an F-bomb. The Senator appeared in Melbourne duo Rap News’ latest video, rapping along and attacking the Abbott government’s mandatory data retention proposal. He even whacks in a Lord of the Rings reference, “I’ll go full Gandalf on this government’s arse. Smack down their laws with a dose of: You shall not pass,” he rhymes.

He knows we live on Reddit

When running for re-election earlier this year, rather than going the traditional Q&A route, Senator Ludlam took it to where most under-25s spend their life — Reddit. He answered questions honestly about anything from the NBN and copyright laws to the preconception of what the Greens actually stand for.

He even knows how to pose for a cool photo!
He even knows how to pose for a cool photo!

His ‘speech of the year’ didn’t even need anyone in Parliament for it to go viral

In an empty senate, Ludlam gave a fierce speech to “welcome Tony Abbott to WA”. While no-one may have heard it in Parliament, the speech soon racked up 500,000 views and stands at just under 900,000 views at the time of writing. Since that’s happened, the senator has spoken about how he believes the internet is the way to speak to people rather than a via a full house in Parliament.

He advocates for things young people want

You want a decent NBN connection? He does, too. Do you want to be spied upon all the time? Neither does he. Do you hate homophobia? He does, too. Do you think science is important for our future? So does Senator Ludlam. Do you value education, innovation and equality? Yes, Scott Ludlam does, too.

He might not be for everyone, but for once, young people finally have someone who knows what they want.

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