
Gun videos migrate to porn sites as YouTube cracks down

THERE is a bunch of unusual videos turning up on porn streaming sites as America’s gun advocates cry foul.

Gun videos migrate to porn sites as YouTube cracks down.
Gun videos migrate to porn sites as YouTube cracks down.

YOUTUBE is going to start banning videos related to the sale or manufacture of guns next month, so as a way to make up for it, firearm aficionados are jumping ship to Pornhub — where they can post pretty much any clip they’d like.

“Pornhub has a history of being a proactive voice in the online community, as well as operating a resilient and robust video streaming platform,” said the gun vlogging account, InRangeTV, in a statement this week.

“InRangeTV is excited to be joining a group of content creators who are truly open and non-judgmental when it comes to potentially controversial content.”

The former YouTube vlogging page is one of several accounts that has ditched the video-sharing service and pledged allegiance to Pornhub following the site’s decision to upgrade its gun-related video policy in the wake of the Florida school shooting.

Starting in April, YouTube clips showing how to convert, manufacture or upgrade firearms will be strictly prohibited.

Weapons experts believe videos showing how to shoot guns and maintain them will also get swept up in the ban.

“YouTube has started suspending the accounts of major gun and accessory manufacturers. But don’t worry, videos on how to make bombs or meth are still available,” tweeted Sean Davis, co-founder of The Federalist.

“YouTube also announced a new policy banning ALL videos on how to reload ammunition, a perfectly legal activity enjoyed by countless hobbyists, hunters, and competitive shooters.”

While the California-based video service has “long prohibited” the sale of firearms, it wasn’t until after the Parkland massacre that they started reaching out to creators and informed them of the latest changes they were making to their policy.

“We routinely make updates and adjustments to our enforcement guidelines across all of our policies,” a YouTube spokesperson said in a statement on Friday.

Last spring, the site began banning videos that featured tutorials or tips on how to upgrade a rifle and make it shoot faster. Clips featuring bump stocks and similar devices have been prohibited ever since.

“The Liberal Left will slowly chip away at our freedoms and erode our rights, and the first step is to squelch our voice,” wrote the Florida-based gun manufacturer, Spike’s Tactical, in a statement on Tuesday after being contacted by YouTube.

“To say we’re f***ing pissed is an understatement.”

This article originally appeared in the New York Post and has been republished here with permission.

Could more guns be the answer?

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