
Australia’s 2016 Census had ‘significant and obvious oversights,’ report finds

PRIME Minister Malcolm Turnbull says IBM was overwhelmingly responsible for this year’s census debacle — and the tech giant has paid big time.

A Senate report into the 2016 Census made a raft of recommendations. Picture: Supplied
A Senate report into the 2016 Census made a raft of recommendations. Picture: Supplied

MALCOLM Turnbull says the Census Fail debacle was “utterly predictable” but the Government is not to blame.

The Prime Minister said the contractor had now paid a “very substantial” multi-million dollar settlement which covered the costs of the incident and its fallout.

It comes as a Senate Committee inquiry found the ABS’s 2016 Census was a failed online project with inadequate protection against even a “minor attack” with serious privacy implications.

The 2016 Census: Issues of Trust report found “significant and obvious oversights” in the delivery of the online national survey led to its 40-hour failure, including a limited tender process, IBM’s failure to adequately test technology, and its lack of online protection despite being identified as a “high risk” project.

The Prime Minister told 3AW radio on Friday contractor IBM was “overwhelmingly” at fault for the Census website’s collapse on August 9.

“This was not a particularly clever attack or some great international assault on the Census,” Mr Turnbull said.

“This was a series of common or garden, utterly predictable, utterly foreseeable denial of service attacks.

“It’s not hacking, it’s really just bombarding a website with a lot of hits so the server is clogged up.

“It’s completely predictable.

“IBM had a contractual obligation to deal with it and they failed.”

The report criticised the ABS’s delayed preparation for the eCensus, and its decision to retain participants’ names and addresses for the first time, and made a raft of recommendations to prevent future failures.

IBM Australia Managing Senior Engineer Michael Shallcross speaking during a Senate Estimates hearing into the Census. Picture: AAP/Lukas Coch
IBM Australia Managing Senior Engineer Michael Shallcross speaking during a Senate Estimates hearing into the Census. Picture: AAP/Lukas Coch

The Committee’s report followed 90 submissions and a public hearing into the 2016 Census, which had been scheduled to take place on August 9.

It found the online national survey failed to withstand four “minor” Distributed Denial of Service attacks (DDoS) on the night, IT contactor IBM was not immediately able to restore service due to a failure to adequately test its technology, and the Bureau chose to take the system offline to assess whether it had been hacked.

“IBM’s failure to have tested a router restart, or have a backup synchronised and in place, appears to have been significant contributing factors to the failure of the eCensus on 9 August,” the report said.

The online attack that caused the Census website to fail, “was of such a small size that it should have easily been handled effectively”.

“Although it is impossible to say with certainty and hindsight what would have been the outcome had the ABS made different decisions, allowing IBM to undertake their own testing and the failure to complete an (Information Security Registered Assessors Program) assessment appear to be significant oversights in project management.”

The report also criticised the lack of an open tender process in selecting an IT supplier, as well as the lack of preparation that led to that decision, and the lack of scrutiny of the technology put in place to handle the survey.

“The confirmation that the census would proceed, the delayed development of an eCensus solution, the use of a limited tender and the erosion of internal capacity to adequately oversee the development of the eCensus are all serious concerns that may contributed to the events of 9 August 2016,” the report found.

The Census report made 16 recommendations for future national surveys, including open tender processes for work conducted on behalf of the ABS, greater scrutiny of technology used for the 2021 eCensus, six-monthly ministerial briefings on census preparations, and that any data breaches are reported within one week of being identified.

The Committee also recommended the ABS nominate a maximum fine for Australians who choose not to participate in the Census, rather than indefinite fines of $180 a day, and a privacy impact assessment of the data it collects and uses conducted by a third party to “re-establish its public credibility”.

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