When double demerits will kick in for holiday season
As millions of Aussies hit the road for the Christmas break, authorities are reminding them to drive safely or they’ll pay a heavy price.
Drivers are being warned to take care on the road as double demerit penalties kick into gear for the Christmas season.
NRMA Insurance has issued a reminder to the millions of Australians hitting the road this holiday period to take care and drive safely.
Here are the rules in each state.
Motorists in NSW and the ACT will face double demerit points for 11 days from Friday, December 23 to January 3 inclusive.
That means drivers caught committing certain offences on the road will face double the demerit points for that offence.
It applies to speeding, the illegal use of mobile phones, not wearing a seatbelt and riding without a motorcycle helmet.
Drivers are urged to keep in mind that mobile phone detection cameras are active and drivers caught using their phones during a double-demerit period will be hit with a $352 fine ($469 in a school zone) and 10 demerits.
“Please drive safely and take extra care on the roads to protect yourself, your loved ones and all road users,” an NRMA spokesman said.
In NSW and the ACT, demerit points run from midnight on the start date to midnight on the finish date.
Drivers in Western Australia will also face double demerits for the holiday period but with an additional five days compared with the east coast states.
From Friday, December 23 to Sunday, January 8 inclusive, drivers will be liable for double demerit point losses if they commit certain offences.
These include:
- Speeding
- Drink or drug driving
- Failing to wear a seatbelt and child restraint
- Running a red light
- Illegal use of a mobile phone while driving
- Drive a motor vehicle fitted with a device designed to evade detection by a speed camera (14 points during double demerits period)
- Drive a motor vehicle in a manner to evade detection by a speed camera (14 points during double demerits period)
Everywhere else
Double demerits apply year round in Queensland for people who commit certain offences more than once in the space of 12 months.
Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania and Northern Territory
These jurisdictions don’t have double demerit periods at all.