
New WA road cameras to target speeding, mobile phone use and seatbelts

New mobile road cameras capable of targeting speeding, mobile phone use and seatbelts are set to be rolled out in an Australian first.

Road cameras being trialled in WA

Western Australian drivers will soon be seeing a new type of road camera popping up across the state, with the technology capable of stinging drivers for more than just speeding.

In an Australian first, the mobile point-to-point cameras will be trialled over a three-month period across WA roads – with the capability of targeting speed, mobile phone use and seatbelts.

Six of the cameras will be activated from July 1, and will be installed on trailers in and outside of Perth. They also have the ability to be moved to different locations quickly.

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The trial of the new mobile cameras is an Australian first. Picture: Nine News/Channel 9
The trial of the new mobile cameras is an Australian first. Picture: Nine News/Channel 9

WA Road Safety Commissioner Adrian Warner said these types of cameras are a great deterrent for reckless drivers.

“People are saying they adjust their behaviour when they are afraid of getting caught and they know that cameras are a good deterrent,” he told Nine News.

“It is self-learning. So it can look at pictures inside cars and can start to learn the difference between someone holding a mobile phone, someone holding a packet of cigarettes or a can of Coke.”

The $1.5 million investment has been paid for by traffic infringements and it is hoped they will help reduce road casualties and injuries.

In the past four years, 2294 West Australians have been killed or seriously injured in crashes involving speed, not wearing a seatbelt or inattention.

The cameras target speeding, mobile phone use and seatbelts. Picture: Nine News/Channel 9
The cameras target speeding, mobile phone use and seatbelts. Picture: Nine News/Channel 9

No fines will be issued during the three-month trial period, which is due to end after September.

“It is a trial, so there will be no infringements issued. We will collect a lot of information and stats and we will share that,” Mr Warner said.

However, if the cameras stick around after the trial, many drivers could be facing some hefty fines if they get snapped doing the wrong thing.

Speeding fines range from $100 to $1200 and a driver can cop up to seven demerit points depending on the severity of the offence.

Being caught touching or holding a mobile phone while not in a cradle to make, receive or end a voice call will set you back $500 and three demerit points.

This penalty rises to $1000 and four demerit points if a person is caught creating, sending or looking at a text, email, social media, photo, video or anything similar.

WA Road Safety Commissioner Adrian Warner said people won’t be fined during the three-month trial period. Picture: Nine News/Channel 9
WA Road Safety Commissioner Adrian Warner said people won’t be fined during the three-month trial period. Picture: Nine News/Channel 9

Being caught without your seatbelt will result in a $550 fine and four demerit points.

This fine can increase to $900 depending on if any of your passengers are also unrestrained.

However before any fines for infringements found via the cameras could be issued, the WA government would need to amend the law.

“At the moment the law says we can used cameras to detect speeding and red light traffic offences (only),” Mr Warner said.

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