
Tesla owners post videos after new self-parking tech fails

It was supposed to be the next step in the march towards driverless cars, but these embarrassing posts suggest the EV pioneer may need to go back to the drawing board.

Tesla Model 3 arrives in Australia

Tesla’s latest autonomous diving software update has been panned by some owners after their cars ran into garage doors, headed off in the wrong direction and almost drove into the path of oncoming vehicles.

The new feature, called Smart Summon, is designed to drive the car up to 60 metres through a carpark to meet you.

Tesla says it can “navigate more complex environments and parking spaces, manoeuvring around objects as necessary to come find you in a parking lot”.

But owners have complained that the technology, which is operated by smartphone, isn’t ready for release, as it appears to have difficulty recognising more complex driving environments.

One owner’s car was involved in an accident after another car backed into its path as it was being summoned.

The Tesla had right of way but some argue that a human driver in the Tesla would have seen the reversing light of the other car and braked to avoid an accident.

Owners are already concerned about lawsuits arising from carpark bingles where they weren’t behind the wheel.

Tesla warns that the tech is “only intended for use in private parking lots and driveways” and that you should monitor the car and surroundings “at all times and be within your line of sight because it may not detect all obstacles”.

But as with Tesla’s other driver assistance features, such as the controversially named Autopilot, owners are experimenting with potentially dangerous consequences.

One owner tried to summon the car from a carpark across a public road and it was almost collected by another car.

The technology, along with a range of Tesla driver assistance features, isn’t available in Australia because it hasn’t yet been approved by regulatory authorities.

A Tesla Australia spokesperson couldn’t shed any light on when it may become available in Australia other than to say “we are working to bring it to other markets soon”.

Other carmakers offer tech that can drive into and out of tight parking spots by retracing the driver’s initial route, but Tesla’s tech pushes the boundaries.

This shot was criticised because the car appeared to be driving the wrong way, but it was actually shot on Tesla premises. Picture: Supplied.
This shot was criticised because the car appeared to be driving the wrong way, but it was actually shot on Tesla premises. Picture: Supplied.

Several owners have released videos of cars mounting kerbs, hitting garage doors and narrowly avoiding other cars.

The smart summon is another example of Tesla’s bullish approach to self-driving creating problems for the manufacturer.

Safety experts say terms such as “Autopilot” are misleading because they suggest the driver can abdicate responsibility to technology that isn’t ready to be employed without supervision.

They also say it encourages drivers to experiment with disastrous and sometimes fatal consequences.

Some owners have posted videos of themselves testing the car’s reflexes by running in front of it.

Tesla itself makes it clear that the driver needs to remain in control at all times behind the wheel, advising owners to be “especially careful around quick-moving people, bicycles and cars”

Founder Elon Musk has been criticised for releasing tech that is still a work in progress, but he remains undeterred. Earlier this year he claimed cars would be so good at driving themselves drivers would be able to fall asleep at the wheel.

Other carmakers argue that we are at least a decade away from truly autonomous vehicles and that tech shouldn’t be released until it’s foolproof.

In the United States Tesla has been involved in lawsuits from families of people who have died while using Autopilot.

The US National Transportation Safety Board has also voiced concerns, suggesting that Autopilot could be lulling some drivers into a false sense of security.

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