
Fashion guru Elle Ferguson’s pet hate: road bullies

Elle Ferguson arrived late to the driving game, but is making up for lost time

Elle Ferguson rates the interior styling as the favourite feature of her new Mitsubishi Eclipse Cross. That’s no surprise, given the former model turned internet entrepreneur has a degree in interior design.

Now, as co-founder of the mega fashion blog They All Hate Us with her best friend Tash Sexton, her days are devoted to providing fashion tips to a global audience.

No surprise either, then, that the Eclipse Cross’s boot is the second most-appreciated asset. “I’ve always got clothes, shoes, whatever I’m carrying, so the boot is perfect,” she says.

“We do road trips to Byron Bay — have done ever since I was a kid — and I tend to take a few suitcases. The interior of the Eclipse Cross is amazing. The design and attention to detail has come a long way in four years.

“Compared to my last car, this one has so many features that it’ll take me a while to learn what they are and how to use them.”

Ferguson’s previous set of wheels was a 2014 Toyota Corolla she bought new on the day she earned her P-plates. “I used to commute from the Central Coast to Sydney and it was 2 ½ hours each way,” she laughs.

Early wheels: Toyota Corolla.
Early wheels: Toyota Corolla.

“So I got my licence late. I’m still on my
P- plates. I had to get the licence in a rush because I needed the car for work. I drove every night for six weeks and passed on the first go.”

Ferguson’s late arrival to the world of motoring may have had something to do with an early accident. “My grandfather taught the family to drive, except for me,” Ferguson says. “He started to … and then gave up. He was a massive Datsun fan and we drove around in the Bluebird and he loved that car. I managed to reverse into another car.”

Family wheels: Datsun Bluebird.
Family wheels: Datsun Bluebird.

These days she rates herself as a safe and conservative driver. “I play my music a little loud and that’s about my only bad car habit,” she says.

“My pet hate is actually people who try to bully you on the road because you’re not going fast enough for them. You’ll be driving along (a freeway) in the left lane at just under the speed limit and they’ll be right up your backside. It’s pointless — it doesn’t help anyone.”

Ferguson is taking a break from her fashion makeover show Style Squad on Foxtel to concentrate on working with Billabong. “They’re an iconic brand and it’s another amazing opportunity,” she says.

Her dream car would be a 1950s convertible — but not just any ragtop: “A Porsche 356 Speedster ... I think I’d be driving like Dylan from Beverly Hills 90210.”

Dream car: Porsche 356 Speedster.
Dream car: Porsche 356 Speedster.

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