
Seven tech excuses to solve awkward situations

LATE for a date? Trying to shake off a relentless friend? Pass the blame onto technology with these excuses for life's most cringe-worthy situations.

Man getting away from the conversation.
Man getting away from the conversation.

TECHNOLOGY has given us the ability to communicate from all corners of the globe and put men on the moon. It can also solve life's little dilemmas. If you've ever been late for a date or tried to shake off a relentless friend and need a good get out line, simply pass the blame onto technology to avoid any awkward moments.

The date awaits. In this delicate situation, blame your gadgets. Source: Thinkstock
The date awaits. In this delicate situation, blame your gadgets. Source: Thinkstock

Scenario: You're running hideously late for an important meeting or date

Excuse: Enter flustered, arms-waving, deploring how your sat nav went crazy. We've all experienced confused sat nav systems that lose the plot. Whether in the car or on a smartphone going through patches of poor signal can affect accuracy, so passing the buck onto this defenceless piece of tech may actually be met with empathy by the waiting party.

Scenario: You're a mobile data skinflint and you don't want your mates to know

Excuse: Claim you have no data allowance left. We know it's annoying when we people ask to use your phone to check their Facebook feeds. Worse is when they suggest a "totally hilarious" YouTube video you absolutely must watch now, only for you to painfully look on as you see your data drain away. So, simply say you're either on a pay-as-you-go or are about to hit your limit.

We've been there. How would you get out of being late for work? Source: Thinkstock
We've been there. How would you get out of being late for work? Source: Thinkstock

Scenario: You've completely overslept and the boss isn't happy

Excuse: My phone's alarm didn't go off. Ah, it's the modern day classic. It might not carry much weight these days but with lots of clock apps available to download and more people using their smartphones as alarm clocks it is a more plausible excuse. It has actually happened to us. Honest. Better still, if you have a Samsung Galaxy Gear smartwatch, bamboozle them with its functions and explain how you haven't worked out how to tell the time on it yet.

Scenario: You forgot to reply to a friend's message and they confront you about it

Excuse: Act with complete shock and surprise then check your phone and say you did reply but for some reason the message got stuck in your phone's outbox. This can happen when you're halfway through sending a message and you lose signal. Like when you go through a tunnel. Hopefully they won't know that most phones these days automatically re-send any messages that didn't send first time!

Scenario: You're avoiding that creepily persistent person who calls you

Excuse: My phone was on silent/vibrate/airplane mode. Place this in the folder along with "I had no signal" and "my battery ran out" as a choice go-to excuse for avoiding someone. These are your get-out alibies. Sure, they'll likely to be met with plenty of scepticism but it's better than facing a cringe-worthy convo.

Tech problems can get you out of most things these days.
Tech problems can get you out of most things these days.

Scenario: You're avoiding that creepily persistent person who emails you

Excuse: It went into my junk folder. Ignorance isn't always bliss, particularly when it comes to important emails. If you're trying to avoid replying to someone who's been hunting you down for a reply, pull out either "it must have been caught by the company firewall" or the life-saving junk folder excuse. You could even put it in there yourself and take a screengrab as 'proof'. It'll buy you some time at least.

Scenario: You've just realised you forgot to buy a birthday present that you needed yesterday

Excuse: For those stomach-dropping moments claim you're at the mercy of the internet and lament how you bought the present online. Saying "it said it should have arrived by now" adds a bit more credence but in your defence most online delivery times can vary wildly depending on stock or public holidays.

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