Unhand me app: How to know when someone touches your iPhone
IF YOU are someone who always leaves their mobile phone behind this new app will sense if anyone touches it while you’re not looking.
AS anyone with an Apple Watch will tell you, it’s quite liberating not to have to dig your
phone out of your pocket or bag every time someone calls or texts.
But on the flip side, this means your iPhone spends more time away from you which makes it easier to lose or for someone to steal.
So to avoid another grovelling call to your Telco the next time you leave your phone at a restaurant or in a taxi, a new app, created by an Aussie company, could be the answer to your problems.
Unhand Me! gives your iPhone feelings and its own voice. When your phone is locked, it senses if anyone touches it and sets off a warning sound, while at the same time letting you know on your Apple Watch that someone other than you has their hands on your gear.
You can customise the warning, choose from one of 37 different voices, set a perimeter so you are notified if your phone leaves a certain area and automatically activate Find My iPhone or Find My Friends apps to track your phone should it go walkabout.
“With most gyms moving to an open bag storage area, Unhand Me! gives you peace of mind while you are working out,” says the app’s creator David Walsh who himself admits to having lost his phone many times.
“There are all sorts of other useful scenarios, like leaving your bag on a cafe chair while you go to the counter, it’s like having another set of eyes.”
Unhand Me! also works with a range of devices including tablets and is available on the App Store for 50% off the regular price during the holidays, a small price to pay for something that may well save you a $1000 to replace a lost iPhone.
Grab it from the App Store here.