iPhone users ticked off by alarm clock malfunction
ANNOYED users take to Twitter to say they're going to buy "a REAL" alarm clock after daylight savings glitch hits iPhones.
MANY iPhone owners were left scrambling for the door this morning after a glitch caused alarms to malfunction.
The end of daylight saving at the weekend caused a malfunction with some alarms today and yesterday.
Some iPhone clocks automatically turned back one hour early yesterday morning while others went forward.
Disgruntled iPhone owners logged onto social networking websites to voice their frustration.
Twitter user @tmikbyrne was one of many people who complained to Apple Australia online.
"My iPhone alarm went off an hour late, can't Apple fix the Australian daylight savings bugs already?" they said.
Another, @murphcee, said she planned to buy an alarm clock.
"First step in distancing myself from my iPhone is going to be buying a REAL alarm clock. I'm talking the one with two metal bells," she said.
A spokesperson for Apple Australia said time updates for iPhones were controlled by the phone carrier and that all relevant updates had been made.
iPhone users should ensure they were using the latest iOS software and had set the time to be updated automatically, the spokesperson said.