How ‘electrification’ could save you $4700 on power bills
Residents in one of Australia’s biggest cities are being told how they can slash their power bills by at least $4700 a year.
A program to “rewire” Australia’s third biggest city is boasting power bills can be slashed by nearly $5000 per year using technology that is almost entirely off-the-shelf and available today.
The Rewiring Australia project launched on Monday is using Brisbane as a launch pad to encourage homeowners to make the switch to solar energy, ditch gas heaters, and invest in electric vehicles.
The campaign, driven by an “optimistic group of nonpartisan Australians”, ultimately aims to prove that it is possible to address climate change and cost-of-living concerns at the same time.
The project comes as household expenses dominate the political news cycle and major political parties attempt to stake their claim on the best power mix for the nation moving forward.
While acknowledging the inevitable upfront costs, Rewiring Australia founder and chief scientist Dr Saul Griffith says households that make the jump to solar, storage, and electric vehicles can be saving $4700 a year on their power bill by 2030.
Dr Griffith said this initial modelling is based on the potential uptake across the southeast Queensland electorates of Brisbane, Longman, and Griffith, but the program is also planning to analyse other seats across the country.
“Our research shows that Australia can lead the world by electrifying our homes and vehicles and powering them with renewable energy,” the engineer and inventor says.
“When entire communities and cities upgrade and electrify, the benefits will be amplified and shared. Less money will be sent out of the community and offshore from Australia.
“Billions of dollars can be retained in local communities and thousands of additional local jobs generated.”
Potential for 24,100 jobs
According to the new research, full electrification of 230,000 households across Brisbane would reduce emissions by 42.4 per cent and within eight years save households $3.9b.
This, in turn, would support the creation of 24,100 indirect jobs and tip $200m per year into the upgrading, installation and maintenance of a new network of appliances.
It’s no coincidence the campaign is being launched parallel to the Federal Election.
Dr Griffith says there are four key federal policies that can help the vision become a reality.
Rewiring Australia wants to see $100m committed to pilot programs in two urban and two rural communities that help showcase the benefits of solar, battery, and electric technologies.
The campaign then estimates the federal government will need to spend $12b to subsidise the cost of all 11 million Australian households to make the switch to solar energy and storage for homes and vehicles.
Whoever is in government will also need to commit to training a national workforce to upgrade and maintain electrified homes, and cut through the ‘brown tape’ holding back the installation of private and shared EV chargers.
Labor is promising to upgrade the electricity grid to fix energy transmission and drive down power prices and says it will make electric vehicles cheaper with an electric car discount and a National Electric Vehicle Strategy.
It will also roll out 85 solar banks around Australia to ensure more households can benefit from rooftop solar, install 400 community batteries across the country, and invest in 10,000 new energy apprentices and a new energy skills program.
The Coalition says it will continue to keep power prices low by investing in wind, solar, hydro and natural gas projects as well as microgrids to support regional and remote communities.
On top of a “technology, not taxes” approach, the government is also planning to hold energy retailers to account and ensure the “put their customers first”.
The Greens, meanwhile, are calling for the immediate ban the construction of new coal, oil and gas infrastructure, ensuring the nation can transition to zero carbon energy while maintaining a safe climate.
The party is also prioritising helping mining workers and communities by “creating long term, sustainable industries to assist in the move beyond fossil fuels”.