
Pauline Hanson denies link between humans and climate change

Pauline Hanson has used dinosaurs dying out as proof humans haven’t impacted climate change during a bizarre interview.

Federal Election: Two very different plans to tackle climate change

Pauline Hanson has denied humans are to blame for climate change during an interview with the Todayshow, claiming the extinction of dinosaurs backs up her views.

The One Nation leader has thrown her support behind the controversial Adani coal mine plan for Queensland and has slammed environmental protesters as “extremists”.

When asked if she was worried about the negative environmental impact the mine might have, Ms Hanson denied there was any “scientific fact” to support the claim humans were playing a role in climate change.

“This has been man-made, this fearmongering about climate change,” she said.

“If climate change is happening, it is not because man is causing it to happen.”

Ms Hanson said there had been extreme weather events before humans existed, meaning they couldn’t be blamed for the concerning shifts in climate.

“There was once an ice age, there was once a flood throughout Australia. People weren’t around at that time,” Ms Hanson said.

“There has been changes. What happened to the dinosaurs, how did they die off? Humans didn’t create it.”

The Queensland senator claimed volcanic eruptions and oceans caused more carbon emissions than man-made pollution.

Pauline Hanson used the extinction of dinosaurs to back up her climate change claims. Picture: Today
Pauline Hanson used the extinction of dinosaurs to back up her climate change claims. Picture: Today

When questioned about the impact climate change was having on Queensland, particularly farmers, Ms Hanson said there was no “peer reviewed” scientific research on the topic.

Senator Hanson also appeared to suggest the public weren’t being given access to the true figures surrounding climate data, hot on the heels of an LNP Senate candidate who accused the Bureau of Meteorology of the same thing.

“They haven’t released the true facts and figures as far as temperature changes over the years. They’ve fiddled with facts and figures,” the One Nation leader said.

One of numerous protests to stop the Adani mine going ahead. Picture: Richard Waugh/AAP
One of numerous protests to stop the Adani mine going ahead. Picture: Richard Waugh/AAP

Gerard Rennick, who is in the Queensland LNP’s winnable third position, last month accused the weather bureau of rewriting weather records to fit in with the “global warming agenda”.

“Our public servants are out of control,” he said on Facebook.

Labor’s campaign spokesman Jim Chalmers says both parties are being poisoned by “crackpot stuff”.

“That’s very concerning to hear the LNP dance to One Nation’s tune on issues like climate change, which the Australian people want a sensible and responsible plan to deal with,” he told reporters in Canberra on Tuesday.

“It’s a reminder that it’s very hard to tell where One Nation ends and the LNP begins.”

The bureau has strongly rejected the allegations, pointing to the nation’s leading statisticians and mathematicians’ support for their methods.

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